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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Remember, back in the day, all the women who used to post? Those were the days!
  2. All I know about cars is that I am not enamored with Toyota, anymore...I leased a Corolla, and then when the lease was up, I bought a Corolla. The older Corolla had better gas mileage than the new Corolla. And with the whole acceleration cover-up (floor mat, my ass) I've been looking into other compact vehicles that get good gas mileage. I bought a Tacoma in 2008 or 2009 and it was when they had just transitioned to a body the size of a Tundra, with a Tacoma size engine...and used Tacomas were basically extinct...I had searched dealerships from Las Vegas to Salt Lake City for a used, smaller Tacoma...
  3. The only thing i could find was from the end of June. Once Majella was charged with fraud, the nonprofit strepped back into the game of trying to acquire saddleback
  4. I enjoy following Tenney Mtn and Mike Bouchard on FB. Hope he is successful!
  5. Dammit, I was hoping the Balsams would be a go. Also this summer, the CEO of the Australian investor Group- Majella, that bought Saddleback in ME, was arrested for investor fraud. So...the ressurection of Saddleback is teetering on the edge of destruction...however, the non-profit group that was founded with the intention of trying to buy Saddleback, is now back in the game....fingers crossed, such a great place to ski!
  6. You obviously need to take Will house hunting with you, instead of the wifey.
  7. My friend teaches at Barnstable on the Cape, and they canceled school today and tomorrow. Using their snow days in August...
  8. Barnstable canceled their first day of classes tomorrow. I saw someone post inside class room temps getting into the 90s...that's no bueno
  9. Suns out here. Not sure if the instability stretches down this way through the cape...another humid day...we missed that blob of convection that went along the cost of CT/RI and then brushed Sandwhich and went over mid cape
  10. How much are you worth, now? Maybe I raid your back yard at night and make a profit on the dark web?
  11. Any signs of foliage yet?
  12. A repetitive negative hit from a a delinquent account that has been reporting multiple years is very bad. You need to dispute that if it is not yours. Someone may have opened a fraudulent account in your name, or it is something you forgot about completely. Your credit report will show you the debt collector that now owns that account. You will have to contact them and figure out what is going on.
  13. 7 days a week until labor day. Then weekends and holidays and we close for the season after veterans day weekend
  14. Well, I picked up an inch of rain from the storm that moved through this morning. Now it's in the low 90s, with a dewpoint of 75ish
  15. Total drought in SE MA. Also just hit 93/78 Day off, today!!!! Thank you, Jeezus!!!
  16. Still ridiculously humid...I think I've received a total of .25inches from this entire event
  17. Why is it not October yet? I'm so done with this crap
  18. I'm sitting at 80/77 The humidity is down right atrocious. We seem to get good Dews down here but getting the atmosphere to destabilize is a crapshoot I'm the afternoon SUP at the adventure park today. We close high courses when lightning is within 20mi and we close the park when lightning is within 10mi. We are open until 8pm. Anyone here think I'll be shutting down early? Honestly asking, because it usually means using equip to lower people from the trees.
  19. His name was Martin Cornick. I met him at one of our weather conferences. I really liked him. I was heart broken when I heard of his passing.
  20. Also, WTF???? I just hit 92/75 And my pressure is 29.72, I'm assuming in response to Hurricane Chris
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