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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Oh come on, it is so hard to snow down this way...so many more parameters have to be just right...the storm track has to be pretty far off the coast...
  2. But the more important question is, does your wife like snow?
  3. We can cry together. My friend has a snow removal contract at Colony Place at exit 7, i live closer to exit 3...there were 3 times last winter where he was out plowing and it was white rain and rain where i live...i think that would be a 7mi difference...
  4. 67/60 and full sunshine with sw breezes...it really is quite lovely...
  5. Oh jeezus, you moved to Plymouth? I also live in Plymouth...you might as well just stick a fork in winter right now, take a permanent toaster bath...unless 2005 shows up again, you are just going to cry the entire winter
  6. No one to trick or treat in a 55+ community...no need to buy candy, which means no leftovers So sad.. i loved eating reeses and kitkats for breakfast
  7. DST ends this weekend, dont forget the clocks fall back an hour, and then SADD kicks everyone in the balls
  8. One of those cells tightened up super quick as it passed through sagamore/sandwich...interesting morning...suns out guns out now...temp approaching 60
  9. 2.4inches of rain, winds are calm, pea soup fog, 60 degrees
  10. Oh buddy, you arent gonna last. Might as well just call it quits and get it over with
  11. The weenie team on mt washington reported 10 inches of snow in 6hrs
  12. You can buy the condos that were for Saddleback ski area...
  13. Wow, the EAS system just went off for a real warning and not just a test...first time in my 40 years...
  14. I just have a low key one that doesnt connect ro the internet...i think it was $80? the station sends its data to a console i have on my kitchen counter. Im obsessed with tracking dewpoint and precip. Im satisfied. @dendrite would be a good one to ask about placement. But i dont stress because mine is just for my own personal enjoyment
  15. With 30k+ posts, ASATT would really be All Scoots All The Time
  16. You should never let real life get in the way of being a weenie (Also congrats on the little ones!)
  17. Lame, get that bad larry installed. I had mine up 2 days after i unwrapped it....and you call yourself a weenie...
  18. What up! My sister got me a good weather station from BJs for christmas. Very affordable. I mounted it on my porch railing. Im obsessed with tracking dewpoint and precip. My sister has the same station and lives maybe 2mi away as the crow flies, so im always stalking her to compare precip. It has an anemometer, but i wasnt about to try to mount it to my roof. My sister mounted hers off her pool fence. It is decent height above the ground, but neither of us can get anything much over 15mph, and she lives near the ocean.
  19. Thank me lucky stars, or id have an oaktree up me fanny
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