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Everything posted by metagraphica

  1. Warm to hot with average precip would be great IMBY.
  2. 31 for the low. Already up to 53. Now this is Spring!!
  3. USGS already downgraded from 4.8 to 4.7. I would believe them over whatever bullshit "RAWSALERTS" is. And now back to 4.8 at a depth of 4.7km (revised from 1.0km depth)
  4. Nice! 4.8 earthquake at 10:24am. Heard a very low rumble and house creak. Chair (that I was sitting in) did a nice wobble. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/at00sbh3yv/executive
  5. Looks like some dry air in the northeast quadrant, but trying to pop an eye. When Tropical Storm watch for Chicago?? Impressive storm for them. Just more rain down here. Make it stop.
  6. Not likely to get much (other than rain) down here, but if we're going do this, let's make it historical. Rooting for my northern brethren.
  7. You read/listen/watch AND regurgitate some dumb f*ckin' shit. Generally I refrain. Live and let live, you know. But sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.
  8. Here ya go. Mine on a nice ‘wintry’ day earlier this year. In weather news this morning is turning out fantastic. Partial sun and 55.
  9. I am sure this will verify because, you know, we need another 4-6" of rain here. Sump pump has been running for almost 2 weeks straight now. Slowed down a bit these past few days. Only running every 15 minutes instead of every 5 minutes.
  10. Up to 67 here. Perfect weather! Not looking forward to going from Morch to Mehch next week.
  11. Better than the dewpoint discussions coming to this board soon enough.
  12. And our power is out again. F*cking, 5th time since Thanksgiving. .
  13. Heard the spring peepers for the 1st time last night. Then we got 3/4" of snow. Get this crappy useless day out of the way and then we'll really start to 'spring'.
  14. 3/4" overnight brings me to 19" on the year. Still waiting for the 70's we were promised.
  15. Used them, but only for the mud.
  16. Raining cats and dogs. She's about to make landfall. LOL.
  17. 4-5 inches of rain. What's not to like?
  18. Was gonna say e16 looks better for you. Less worry about taint. I'd be fine with either one. Moving on to gardening already. Don't need anymore snow.
  19. Zero frost in the ground around here. Nightcrawlers up and out while walking the doggo this evening. Curious what the surface to 6" temp is. What a fall we've had. Ready for summer.
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