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Go Kart Mozart

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Everything posted by Go Kart Mozart

  1. Check out the lower right panel. At 850, we have +10c over Boston, and -20c over Binghamton. Potential energy is out there.
  2. Lookout for a second wave coming up along the front.
  3. FOUS shows 32 knots in Boston. I suppose we can bump that some for the Cape.
  4. Late job? This was over Memphis 24 hours earlier:
  5. EPS and GEFS much more encouraging for next week than their operationals.
  6. Euro not sucking through 144? Tip's relaxation below 35n maybe?
  7. I am guessing that within the next 48hrs euro will tease us with a full-phased lolapalooza for the D8 storm.
  8. just back from walking my hounds. They loved it, me, not so much. Nice misty snow blowing around down here.
  9. The day 8 storm has a 2007-style sleet bomb look to it, with the high back near Lake Winnipeg
  10. That euro is great...major snow for Birmingham, rain for SWCT.
  11. Actually, that's not true. Sikorsky averages 29" per year, and they are on a peninsula in the Sound. But here is the real problem...I did a some research a number of years ago, and discovered that the NWS at Sikorsky, at least into the 1980s, measured snow by taking the liquid equivalent, and multiplying by 10....no matter what. The best example was February 1983. They recorded 13" of snow, when we all had to shovel 20". However, a check of the records shows they also recorded 1.3" of liquid equivalent, even though the temps were in the teens throughout the storm.
  12. The ship may have sailed on "epic". Now we fight tooth & nail to reach average....which I figure is about 40" in Trumbull. At 10.5" now, so we have work to do.
  13. Although 1888 came to a dead stall. This zips along...maybe April of 82? In any case, still a signal for a big storm eastern half of US.
  14. Ha, seiche! There's a term I haven't heard in a long time! Here's a fun fact...when New England had the February 1978 blizzard, the combination of the storm and massive James Bay high kicked Chicago's winds into the NE, and they had 9" of LES.
  15. Tip, I think we are the only two New England board members who experienced the Cleveland Super Bomb. This looks similar IMO. -30c reaching Kentucky??? WTF is that?
  16. 1/2" final score in Trumbull. Up to 8" for the season. Let's go for 5" over the weekend, and get it to lucky 13.
  17. This morning's little flurry storm seems much stronger as it departs, around 26 hrs. Edit, was looking at wrong map
  18. Yes, I agree. Otherwise you would see .25 instead of 25. That's point-two-five. AKA, one quarter of an inch. Are we clear?
  19. We're getting hammered down here. At least .25".
  20. Sounds like some great analysis. The only thing I understood was the poker analogy...
  21. Bad news. ICON has given up the ghost on the back-end blizzard.
  22. Nice backside in SWCT. A couple of hours of snow with plunging temps and high winds...
  23. Woodlawn, off Church Hill. Are you Ray from Norwood? Is there some way for us to take this to private messages?
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