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Posts posted by cbmclean

  1. 1 hour ago, Met1985 said:

    Can you believe the turnaround and not from anything tropical?

    No to be frank I didn't see it coming.  Most wet periods seem to underperform, but this was not one of them.

    Got 1.85" today for a monthly total of 11.89".    

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, wncsnow said:

    Just a trace today so far. I don't think we will finish the month above average. I'm still under 2 inches of rain for the month.  It's amazing how consistent areas are getting rain and how areas are consistently not getting the heavy amounts. 

    Hang in there.  Those of us who are riding high now could be back in a dustbowl next month watching you hit by daily showers.  Precipitation is a fickle beast, especially in SE summer.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, NorthHillsWx said:

    We finished with 2.2” on Friday and now have 4.01” for the month. 97.9 seems to be the high for today. 

    You have octupled your total for June!

    • Like 1
  4. Got 0.81 early this morning but have been dodging cells since then.  Really would like to pick up a 2" for the event try to keep the lawn/garden limping through the semi-permanent heat wave it seems we're going to be in during this summer.  

  5. 2 hours ago, marsman said:

    This weekend's disturbance may already be causing problems east of Raleigh. The line that came through RDU last night stalled to the east, Flood Warnings up from Greenville south to Kinston, no strangers to flooding there. 


    The line is still stuck in almost the same place!!


    22 hours ago, TheClimateChanger said:

    It was 98 yesterday at the Southeast Regional Climate Center in a shady, tree-filled, low-density part of Chapel Hill, but carry on kvetching about the RDU temperatures. Pretty sure the SERCC knows how to reliably measure temperature.

    I understand your point, the thing is, I suspect that many of us are on here because of an abiding interest in weather statistics, so when we see an anomaly we are interested.  Like many of us here, I have lived in NC all of my life, growing up near Fayetteville.  KFAY had traditionally been warmer than KRDU.  Now though, KRDU regularly outdoes KFAY, especially on hot days.  Last Friday on the day when I made my comments, KRDU beat KFAY by 5 degrees.  So yeah, I admit I am skeptical.  

    It's actually a fascinating issue because UHI affects traditionally have a larger impact in elevating night temperatures compared to day temps, so why the "RDU bonus" seems larger during the day is surprising.

    By the way, I lurk in the Mid-Atlantic forum a lot and they regularly had discussion about how unrepresentative the snow totals are from the DC airports because of microclimate.  This past winter in their discussions someone made the point that the main purpose of airport weather observations is to give the pilots and airport officials weather data pertinent to their operations.  They are NOT motivated by a love of meteorological statistics.

    Lastly, the "RDU bonus" is something I can remember being noticed for some time now.  I can remember Greg Fishel making a snide remark about it while he was still at WRAL.  But it does seem to have become more obvious in recent years anecdotally.  

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, eyewall said:


    I don't question the extreme nature of today's heat, but I have lost confidence in RDUs measurement integrity.  Similar numbers observed in the area?

    ETA: Just saw that RDU recorded 106 today while KFAY was at 101.  I call shenanigans.

    ETA2: Just saw this on the NWS facebook page for RDU:

    BREAKING: All-time record high/daily record high set at Raleigh & the daily record high set at Fayetteville.
    The high at Raleigh was 106 degrees which breaks the all-time record high of 105 degrees and also sets a new daily high record. The high at Fayetteville was 101°F which ties the old record high.
    A technician was on-site at the RDU ASOS platform at the time of the record and corroborated the accuracy of the sensor temperature with a handheld calibration device. In addition, the contract weather observer checked the temperature during the afternoon and using two other different devices they noted similar readings at around the time the record was set.
  8. 36 minutes ago, NorthHillsWx said:

    Picked up 0.04” before midnight for a monthly total of 0.46”. You read that right. Under 1/2” for the freaking month. Picked up 0.05” after midnight so at least July starts with something 

    Man I hate that for you.  We finally got the good stuff come in over night here in Wilson.  I was hoping you got in on the joy :(

  9. Got .06 overnight, first rain in nearly 3 weeks.  More could be on the way today, but the overcast seems to be keeping it too stable.  The radar to the west showing mostly drizzle and light rain.  We all need steady downpours.

  10. 2 hours ago, NorthHillsWx said:

    I feel like this summers going to turn me into the new Shetley. We’ve been on the outside looking in from every rain event and are probably running about a foot and a half below what folks in triad and upstate have this year 

    Ah Shetley, haven't seen him around in a while.  Hopefully he finally got some rain.

    The western half of NC has definitely been moister the last 3 months.  That said I had a decent 0.81" yesterday up to 1.26" for the week (and month).

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