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Fantom X

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Everything posted by Fantom X

  1. 81/74- overcast here with thunderstorms missing me in every direction
  2. My personal opinion is that there are forces at work from both sides of the coin. AGW doing it's thing on warming (3.7 w/m² for doubling of CO2) but the "sun" and "GSM" doing it's thing on trying to cool the planet (decrease TSI (very minor), cosmic rays and the relationship to cloud cover and rain and increased volcanic activity). Question is though, by how much? If there was no AGW warming at all, what would the average global temperature be at this point in time? On the flip side, whatever the issue is, we still have to shy away from fossil fuels. For the simple reasons of pollution and dependency. Even if AWG did not exist, fossil fuels will run out and that in itself would be catastrophic if we do not start our process of going to renewable energy sources now.
  3. I think that is it. I noticed once it is dry for few days and especially if it is windy, the DP seems to match up with the airport obs
  4. so according to the data, the first reported Tornado in NYC is 1985? So no tornadoes were ever reported in NYC prior to 1985? I find that hard to believe.
  5. actually - i figured it out - thanks again!
  6. Thanks- that page is super confusing but haven't been able to locate the exact page to look it up. If you don't mind-i do appreciate it
  7. Hi All- can anyone present a link in NYC tornado trends in the last 50-100 years? I'm debating with someone who claims NYC never had tornadoes until recently (which I know is not true) but it is hard to find data out there.
  8. Greenland was very close to be entirely above freezing - wonder if that's ever happened before (in modern times)
  9. Salisbury NC- which is about 30-45 minutes drive northeast of Charlotte
  10. It has it's pro's and con's. Much more things to do up on LI although I cannot argue with the cheap cost of living down here, which was my primary reason for moving off the Island. I'd still be living there if it was not so expensive. It's been very wet here since I got here with the exception of the last 8 days or so, complete turnaround to bone dry. Even the current dew points in the 60s feels dry. 87/62 now Hoping you guys get a good summer up there.
  11. Not looking forward to it. I'm missing the Long Island sea breeze!
  12. A bit soupy here today with very limited sun. Only 73/70 here now with overcast skies.
  13. looks like I picked a good time to move! lol springs like this I hated. 2009 took forever to warm up. 1989 and 1992 also come to mind
  14. 0.59" since midnight 62/35 mostly cloudy now
  15. 65/49 overcast. Hard to get used to this extended period of warmth this early for me
  16. I guess I'll consider myself lucky for the 6" in December
  17. Charlotte also had the all time earliest highest low temperature at 64 degrees. The previous record was 62 and the earliest 64 minimum on record was in mid march
  18. 79/64 here- trying not to put the AC on
  19. time sensitive https://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/portjefferson/?cam=portjefferson
  20. eyeballing about 3-4" here. switched over to sleet and freezing rain now- 29°
  21. I just moved down here from Suffolk County. I was there for the 11/15 event and am most prepared with all of the big snows NY has received over the past 10 years.
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