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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Yep. 1936-37 I believe. The rattiest of ratters that ratted.
  2. I’ll save Steve the effort. Please take your concern over to the... https://www.americanwx.com/bb/forum/18-climate-change/
  3. They’ve been easy-ish forecasts. Glop to rain. Rinse and repeat. Not to detract.....
  4. If you’re a good met, all other ills are forgiven. I know what you’re referring to too btw...
  5. Paste job here. Probably 2” down. Temp steady at 33F.
  6. It is just gawd awful out today. Dark, dreary, dense fog, drizzle, 39 degrees. I’m growing to hate winter.
  7. Lake Winni is the spot to be for this one.
  8. I found the snow....check out Baghdad.
  9. Nothing like subzero with the last snow >1” about a month ago.
  10. We’re struggling even to get advisory events right now. It seems like we either KU or rat.
  11. I hate the EURO. Fits the tenor of the season though.
  12. Not that bad. Speaking from a SNE POV. 15.8”
  13. Here I am with the lowest snow totals to date across the forum, soon to be replaced with the lowest temperatures across the forum as we head into spring/early summer. Nothing beats seeing the ocean every day though.
  14. If we could somehow score late week, we’d have a real wintry Presidents Day weekend.
  15. Sure, 65F in Antarctica is NBD. That’s still only borderline shorts weather. Probably still a long sleeve tee if a little breezy.
  16. Such a different looking landscape here on the coast. Hardly any winter debris to clean up. Let’s just turn up the heat and spring.
  17. That’s snow to the coast where the MLs hold. This isn’t early December. Anyway, it probably doesn’t matter because it will change.
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