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Professional Lurker

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Everything posted by Professional Lurker

  1. Can confirm. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  2. I've got a ping G30, 9 degree that needs a shaft. (Don't ask). Otherwise it's a club that I loved. I'd send it to you if you were interested. Yeah, I'm down for a golf gtg as long as work permits. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  3. I was heading up the lift today at Berkshire east around 4pm and I was noticing how scratchy liftline was, especially on the steep upper parts and by the lift towers. ... then I noticed a guy fearlessly crushing it. I yelled, "Hey, Pete!" But I don't think he heard me. ... so I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of the infamous SkiMRG. He's the only guy I know that actually thrive to aggressively ski barely there lines. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  4. Lol. Afternoon/ evening groom... What's that? That's my one complaint about night skiing at Berkshire east. There are some nights that can be downright sketchy that could certainly use a little help come dusk. ... then again, I'm a corduroy guy. Everything else, naso much. I'm happiest if I'm going Mach 3 down a green or blue groomer with a perfect surface. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  5. Obviously i love all the praise you guys have for Berkshire east. It's such a gem. Yes, there's still many whales for them to continue to push out, I see them going strong for a while. Honestly I'm surprised they made a much as they did as late as they did considering their mountain biking is really taking off and I have no doubt they want to get that up and running as soon as skiing is no longer profitable. I haven't gotten out nearly as often as I'd like, typically only 2-3x per week there. Haven't put together a ski gtg in a while. Next year, for sure! Thought about throwing something out there for everyone here this year, but covid.... Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  6. I feel bad that it's been a few years since i tracked my snowfall. I'm typically a few inches above hippy due to my elevation. I think there were 2 events that were better out east, so I'm not sure I'm quite there, but I'd guess fairly close. Hippy, what are you at for a seasonal total? Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  7. Probably close to 3" of paste. Not really sure. Trees and lines are sagging. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  8. 91 is a hot mess from Greenfield to the vt border. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  9. Skied Bretton Woods today for the first time. It was pretty good, but I can only imagine how it was before Tuesday's storm. Everything that wasn't groomed was very firm, and some trails were groomed late yesterday but before things tightened back up, and were basically boilerplate. Pretty glad I put a fresh set of edges on our skis before this trip. The views were outstanding once the rockpile cleared out around 9am... Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  10. This is the grinchiest storm i've ever seen. **** 2020. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  11. It wasn't bad. My son has his learner's permit. I came home from closing the restaurant tonight and yanked him away from his video games and threw him behind the wheel. Drove all around Greenfield and finished up on 91 to head home. He did great in some of the heaviest snow he'll ever drive in. Of course, nobody is on there road. ... that's one of the main reasons I felt confident taking him out. He said it was terrifying and fun at the same time. Yup! Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  12. Not sure. I'll know tomorrow... Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  13. Sweet! No doubt we've crossed paths. I'll be bumping chairs there every Thursday. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  14. What do you do there? I ran these rental shop about 10 years ago and lately have just been parking cars on the weekends for passes. I can't do that this year due tp my 'real job' schedule but plan to work in some capacity there. Kinda a blessing in disguise, as the lot this year will be a shit show with people gearing up at their cars. There's a science to maximizing the Berkshire east parking lot and I enjoy the challenge, but it's time to pass the torch. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  15. Ok... I think I may be seeing some sort of mix. Hoping for some heavier precip to make it in to assist. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  16. Gotta say, even though it's there dreaded white ribbon of death, I'm pretty jealous. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  17. Lol wondering if it's worth it to head to the course for my standing 9am tee time. Better dig around to find some non-white golf balls lol. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  18. Could have sworn the fatter drops hitting my windshield on my way home just now wre catpaws but it could also been a hallucination. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  19. Restaurant lost power for about 5 minutes in Greenfield. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  20. Greenfield looks to get whacked... Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  21. That guy is good, he's out of Bethlehem pa. I also like Zach Allen's videos. He's all about shallowing the club at the beginning if the downswing. In fact, I was thinking about ponying up the $60 to get his more in-depth lessons. Haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  22. Melting soon? Lol. That post indicates that one is currently happening. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  23. Who's better? Lol. I still kick his ass daily. We're about even on club distances, but he lacks the smart decision making and short game skills. Those will come with time, experience, and maturity so I'm certain sometime soon he'll be killing me. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
  24. Did you end up playing the black? It's on my to-do list this summer with my son, as long as he gets some consistency. Working on it with him. Played Crump with him on Monday. $25 for both of us with a cart, sweet. Played 18 at my home course yesterday with the first 9 as part of my league. (It was a 3 club format, which I love). Didn't win anything though, but I did find a $20 bill in some leaves next to a cart path so that was a bonus I guess. Haven't broken 40 in 2 weeks. Ugh. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
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