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Professional Lurker

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Everything posted by Professional Lurker

  1. Glancing at the radar, it looks like the orientation of the bands will be good for us. It almost looks like a band is trying to come together from nyc to just over my head. ... Of course, it is very early, but i take it as a very good sign.
  2. Yeah, Mike. Out here is a huge question mark. I honestly think that we get more than 10". How much more obviously depends on that band and where it rots. I'd love to believe that most models are wrong and we get into the goods, but it's anybody's guess. Personally, if you can get on a plane, do it. ... it's not like we're on the south shore here witnessing a twice in a lifetime event. God, I hope I'm wrong.
  3. Personally, I don't care if I jackpot. Still, though, I'd like to see mby do well. Not thrilled about maps that I see that give me 6-12. Typically with benchmark storms, the deformation band will set up way west of where it's progged to do for this storm. Why?
  4. If the western models were to verify, I seriously doubt that the tolland hole would verify. Don't even need to try and rationalize that.
  5. Yes, good read. I just went over it to see why, at least in my area, they don't seem to put as much weight in the euro/nam solution. The disco basically says that I could play in the deform band, but their p/c and snowfall graphic suggest not. Doesn't really matter anyway. Stoked.
  6. ... something to keep our hopes alive out in the hinterlands. Does Will's EEE rule still have any relevance? Got the Euro, nam (eta). ... the third?
  7. Yeah, but look at the date of the original post...
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