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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. It will end shorty but a nice sight nonetheless..
  2. Yeah same here, coming down pretty good,:33.3°..
  3. Nam still with some snow shower activity Friday, timing sucks but what are you gonna do lol That Bermuda high could be of some help..
  4. President Donald Trump on Tuesday abandoned his push for 'total authority' to reopen the country and said he would leave the decision in the hands of the individual governors of each state. 'I will be speaking to all 50 governors very shortly. And I will then be authorizing each individual governor of each individual state to implement a reopening, very powerful reopening plan of their estate in a time in a manner which is most appropriate,' Trump said at his daily White House press briefing. 'The governors are responsible, they have to take charge and do a great job,' he said, a remarkable change from his angry tone on Monday, when Trump proclaimed he alone has the authority to reopen the economy, which is suffering in the wake of the coronavirus.
  5. Yeah but those are considered "lag" numbers (deaths) with many of those people possibly on ventilators for weeks.. I'd like to see what the numbers look like in a few days and hopefully they start going down.. You can see the updated numbers during this morning news conference as well as the governors relationship with the federal government..(starts at min 35)
  6. 3 vaccines are already in human trials, over 70 total being worked on.. According to Pfizer they could have a vaccine in about half the time of the original 12-18 month time table..They aren't the only ones.. One of Britain's top scientists is "80 percent" confident that a vaccine for COVID-19, which has killed over 108,000 people globally, could be ready by September. Oxford University vaccinology professor Sarah Gilbert told the Times of London Saturday that “if everything goes perfectly" her team's vaccine could be ready by the fall, The Washington Post reported. “I know quite a lot about the Oxford project, and it is really great to see some hope, especially on the front page of the newspapers,” Matt Hancock, the U.K.'s health secretary, told the Post. Article about Pfizer last week.. Drugmaker Pfizer said Thursday that it is working on a promising treatment for coronavirus, as well as a vaccine. The drugmaker said preclinical studies showed that an unspecified compound that was originally used to treat SARS — a different coronavirus — has shown potential in battling the dangerous illness. Pfizer research chief Mikael Dolsten said the drug blocks COVID-19 from replicating, slowing the spread in mild or moderate cases, the Wall Street Journal reported. The company said it will conduct additional preclinical studies and plans to launch human trials in the summer. Pfizer also said it will support studies to determine whether its existing medicines, including its rheumatoid arthritis drug Xeljanz, may provide help for those suffering from respiratory problems from the virus. The drugmaker has also finalized a plan to work with German company BioNTech to develop a vaccine, which could be tested in human trials as early as the end of the month. The companies hope to produce millions of vaccines by the end of 2020. “I feel confident that we will win, battle by battle, to turn around this viral war against our society,” Dolsten told the Journal.
  7. Not related to the coronavirus but a shock nonetheless.. RIP
  8. The New York governor made it clear he would not obey any such order from Trump to reopen his state, adding he would take the matter to the courts to let them rule on it. 'If he ordered me to reopen in a way that would endanger the public health of the people of my state, I wouldn't do it. And we would have a constitutional challenge between the state and the federal government and that would go into the courts, and that would be the worst possible thing he could do at this moment would be to act dictatorial and to act in a partisan divisive way,' Cuomo said. The governor warned Trump could create a 'constitutional crisis.' 'The only way this situation gets worse is if the president creates a constitutional crisis. If he says to me, I declare it open, and that is a public health risk or it's reckless with the welfare of the people of my state, I will oppose it. And then we will have a constitutional crisis like you haven't seen in decades,' Cuomo said on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe.' 'I just hope he gets control of what he was saying last night and he doesn't go down that road,' he added.
  9. Donald Trump on Tuesday called any governor who resisted his 'total authority' as president a mutineer and threatened to withhold coronavirus aid from them if they didn't heed his call to reopen the country. The president was defending his claim that he has authority to reopen states to business in the wake of the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus, which goes against the 10th amendment of the constitution.
  10. Not sure how much this will help "sleepy Joe" but I guess it couldn't hurt lol Obama still has a pretty big following..
  11. Well that's between you guys haha That's just one regional manager for one company in a small area..I obviously can't speak for all the"higher ups" , i'm sure some care about the employees more so than money, I think lol
  12. Speaking of regional managers, the one for RAC where my girl works has been a complete dick... She overhead him on a conference call threatening to fire anyone who doesn't come in for job abandonment, you can't even call in because they have no one to cover the shift..So basically if you feel sick you have to work or worry about losing your job.. He also has been complaining that sales are not up to par lol With what's going on? And the showroom closed..He also mentioned"stealing" other competitors sales with some businesses that have close down..This is also a perfect time to make money with the $1200 stimulus check and extra$600 a week unemployment lol Complete dick.. Someone at the Oswego store called HR and they found out who and threatened to fire them
  13. So Massachusetts has joined the NE coalition. Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker’s office confirmed that he joined discussions with governors across the Northeast on a possible regional reopening plan after the coronavirus surge. “The Baker-Polito Administration is in touch with other states in the region including New York and looks forward to participating in discussions with experts regarding the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic," Terry MacCormack, a Baker spokesman said in a statement.
  14. Unemployment is an absolute mess right now, they are getting butchered on social media lol My buddy in Florida who has a current claim hasn't gotten paid in a month...They have actually started a petition in Florida to enact the cares act which nobody understands why it hasn't been done yet... Florida only allows 12 weeks of unemployment and it seems like they have no desire to extend, federal government allows up to 39 weeks..Floridans won't even have the chance to collect all the"stimulus" cash as that last for 16 weeks...No wonder why the state only allows 10% of people unemployed to collect lol Locally NY is extremely far behind as well but they aren't missing payments from active claims... NY State has just recently implemented the 13 week federal extension..
  15. Looks like nothing but low-mid 40s all week except Sunday (low 50s), still feels good with that April sun lol
  16. Starting to get quite breezy, gusting just under 40mph..
  17. Governors of California, Oregon, Washington Announce Joint COVID-19 Framework for Reopening the Pacific Coast
  18. Just made it to the inch plateau, rain starting to subside..
  19. Looks like the doctor is safe.. We are NOT firing Dr. Fauci and he is a 'trusted adviser to the president' says the White House after Donald Trump retweeted #FireFauci
  20. Trying to stir the pot? Lol Declaration of independence: Cuomo and five Dem governors break from Trump and launch 'coronavirus council' to coordinate reopening along I-95 'Covid corridor' in a direct challenge to the president's authority
  21. Feeling somewhat"tropical" out, temp up to 62°, pouring currently, 3/4" liquid..
  22. I just watched the News conference he said he believes the worst is over if we "stay the course"..He also said over time we could start getting back to "normalcy" but it won't be until we have the medical treatment and Vaccine that it's actually"over"..He also left the door open for some upstate communities to relax the restrictions (ahead of downstate) depending on numbers..
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