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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. I myself don't watch Trump press conferences, so he doesn't really bother me lol I listened to Biden speak for a about 30 seconds and that was that lol He shouldn't even be permitted to run for president... The only one that matters to me is Governor Cuomo, he calls the shots in NY not Trump, which makes whatever he says irrelevant... Im not a trump supporter or hater tbh, I kinda just go with the flow haha Andrew Cuomo is a good public speaker that actually makes sense and at least seems like he cares ..lol
  2. 1 New confirmed case.. 30 more negatives.. 20 new people tested.. Orwell with their first case..
  3. Albion twp still 1 of 6 communities that haven't had a confirmed case in Oswego county... Social distancing is nothing new around here lol It all comes down to population density, Oswego county for example has a pop density of 120 people per sq mile and only 42 cases out of 120,000 total population.. Erie county for example has a population density of almost 1000 per square mile and nearing 1600 cases out of 920,000 people.. Obviously they have a much higher infection rate.. NYC for example has 26k per square mile which is self explanatory why it's so bad down there..
  4. A majority of Democrats want to nominate New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for president instead of Joe Biden, according to poll results shared exclusively with The Post. The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample. https://nypost.com/2020/04/10/democrats-want-to-drop-joe-biden-for-andrew-cuomo-poll-finds/
  5. "Essential businesses" will have to supply personal protective equipment for their employees... Cuomo also said an executive order would be signed Sunday to mandate those deemed as essential businesses to provide worker with face masks or coverings.
  6. So yesterday we had 4 New confirmed cases, today 0.. About 20 more negative results..
  7. Yeah I just read an article about Kentucky police taking license plates and making anyone going to church quarantine for 2 weeks lol
  8. What about faculty? "Experts" warn that kids can be carriers, what about parents, grand parents? They have to go home to somebody... His reasoning is that kids aren't dying... Kids spread germs like crazy, 1 kid gets it the entire school does..Then what happens? We shut down the school again to be sanitized lol
  9. Yesterday was the highest 24 hour death toll so far.. USA has surpassed Italy for most deaths...
  10. An investigation by The Washington Post of national cases found nine instances in which COVID-19 was blamed for the deaths of people under the age of 20. The risk appears to rise with every decade of age,” the Post reported on Wednesday, citing 45 deaths among people in their 20s, at least 190 deaths among people in their 30s and at least 413 deaths among people in their 40s.
  11. What a tool the Florida governor is .. I guess students will teach themselves.. He's also wrong that no one under the age of 25 had died.. If it’s safe, we want kids to be in school. ... Even if it’s for a couple of weeks, we think there would be value in that," he continued. CNN reported that DeSantis added that he didn't think anyone under 25 had died of the virus. "This particular pandemic is one where, I don't think nationwide there's been a single fatality under 25. For whatever reason it just doesn't seem to threaten, you know, kids," DeSantis said. "And we lose in Florida between five and 10 kids a year for the flu. This one, for whatever reason, much more dangerous if you're 65 and plus than the flu, no doubt about that. If you're younger, it just hasn't had an impact, so that should factor into how we're viewing this. I think the data on that has been 100 percent consistent," he continued. "I've not seen any deviation on that."
  12. BREAKING: NYC schools will officially be closed for rest of school year and won't reopen until September announces Mayor De Blasio
  13. This once in a 20 to 30 year storm will have the potential to generate damaging winds of 60 to 70 mph for parts of Western New York Monday afternoon and night,” the weather service said. The highest winds will blow over and near lakes Erie and Ontario, bringing the greatest damage to the areas of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester and Watertown. The Buffalo weather service offered unusually strong warnings ahead of the storm. “This will be a dangerous situation,” the office said. “Very strong winds will result in numerous downed trees and power lines. EXTENSIVE power outages and property damage are expected.” To the east, in the Finger Lakes and Central New York, winds are expected to be lower but still strong enough to cause scattered power outages. The weather service has issued hazardous weather alerts for those areas. In Central New York, wind gusts could reach 55 mph on Monday afternoon, which could knock down branches and power lines. The storm will develop as a strong low pressure system makes a sharp left turn out of the Great Plains and passes directly over Michigan. On the west side will be cold air and heavy snow; Michigan’s Upper Peninsula could see a foot.
  14. Not every state has started handing out the extra stimulus checks, actually most haven't lol NY was the first state to roll it out... Some states like Florida don't even have the federal funding yet... Other delays, at least for the $600 in extra weekly benefits as part of the federal stimulus package known as the CARES Act, have been out of the state’s hands. That money hasn’t been given to Florida or other states yet to even administer.
  15. The stimulus package is giving unemployment recipients 10k over 4 months, 30k annual...It's really not that crazy lol Under the proposed “Heroes Fund,” frontline workers from hospital staff and grocery store clerks to transit workers and truck drivers would be eligible for a premium pay raise of up to $25,000, or about $13 per hour for medium wage workers, POLITICO reports.
  16. The government is trying to give incentive to actually work lol No one is getting off unemployment to work for 11.80 an hour lol Many retailers are hiring right now...But no one is applying lol It's also 13 an hour up to 25k for the year but the majority of retail is Part time..Tops is union, they give like 16-24 hours a week, at least around here..
  17. From what I read they want to add on $13 an hour to essential workers paychecks, which comes out to $520 a (full) week before taxes, which is obviously still less than the government is paying people to sit home lol
  18. 4.6% of people being tested come back positive..I think Erie county is at like 23% for comparison..
  19. Despite the glitches, Thursday’s figures suggest the scale of the problem. In a single week, the pandemic wiped out a year and a half of job gains. The past two weeks’ claims alone would be enough to push the unemployment rate up to 5.7 percent from 3.5 percent in February — a half-century low that now seems like ancient history. The worst could be yet to come. Mr. Herzon of IHS Markit said he expected a similarly large number next Thursday, when the Labor Department releases its report on new claims filed this week. Some forecasters think the unemployment rate could hit 10 percent this summer, which would equal the highest level from the last recession more than a decade ago. Back then, it took nearly two years for the jobless rate to reach that height
  20. Pfizer has identified a lead drug to treat the coronavirus, the company’s chief scientific officer, Dr. Mikael Dolsten, said Thursday. The possible antiviral, “if successful, would be given early in the disease process, when patients are admitted to the hospital,” Dolsten told CNBC’s Meg Tirrell. Dolsten said the potential treatment has so far shown positive signs in preclinical work. The drug seeks to “counter the expansion of the virus,” Dolsten said on “Power Lunch.” Pfizer had initially planned to enter clinical trials for a COVID-19 drug by the end of the year, according to Dolsten. Now, it hopes to start those trials in the third quarter, meaning “just a few months from today,” he said. Pfizer also is working on the development of a COVID-19 vaccine alongside German firm BioNTech. The two companies, which announced their partnership last month, remain on track enter human trials by the end of April, Dolsten said. He said the companies now expect — if the vaccine is successful and regulatory approval is granted — to be able to “supply millions of vaccine doses by the end of 2020.” “This is much faster than the original prediction of 18 months,” Dolsten said. “It’s almost half the time.”
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