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Posts posted by dta1984

  1. 1 minute ago, TimB84 said:

    What agenda do “some of us” have? Are people going to think we’re cool? Are we going to get laid tonight? Are we going to get a raise? All because we posted some extremist pro-mask, pro-vax stuff on a weather forum?! Inquiring minds want to know!

    You have issues man.   You know damn well there's people with personal insults in this thread.  That's not how things get done.

  2. 1 minute ago, TimB84 said:

    Like I said, I’ve come to agree to disagree with you. The difference between you and dta is you’re arguing in good faith.

    What part is not good faith?  I have no agenda like some of you. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, TimB84 said:

    Bacteria cause infections. A person wearing a dirty mask can cause an infection. The mask itself can’t.

    Ok we will leave it at this then.  The mask contributes. 

    "This infection cannot solely be caused by wearing a mask, but the conditions a mask provides is perfect for the infection to grow. "

    Edit..this refers to wearing a dirty mask....


  4. 1 minute ago, TimB84 said:

    But if your opinion is “guns don’t kill people,” the only logical conclusion is “masks don’t make you sick.”

    I never said my opinion on that, quit putting words in my mouth.  A dirty mask can cause infection is what I said.  

  5. 2 minutes ago, TimB84 said:

    Okay fine, let’s split hairs. April. Is there really a difference between 12 vs 13 months of knowing something?

    You should ask someone in that situation that I laid out.  I can't answer that.  

  6. 1 minute ago, TimB84 said:

    You didn’t answer the question, I compared it to something else that is very well documented but I’ll bet your opinion differs on that one.

    This is a thread is for coronavirus but thanks. 

  7. 46 minutes ago, TimB84 said:

    “Captain know it all.” It’s going to be another day of mud slinging, I see. Can you simultaneously say masks cause infection but guns don’t kill people?

    Yes it will be , he called me out without checking his facts.   It's well documented about "dirty" masks and infections.  We are not arguing over opinions.  

  8. Yes, it's on the person to know the information regarding washing and changing them out. You may be giving too much credit to people who have never worn a mask before and don't know that. 

  9. 2 hours ago, TimB84 said:

    They don’t in some situations. People who don’t know you’re supposed to wash them, despite this not being a new concept, cause their own infections.

    Stop it, I am not going to spoon feed you articles that show dirty masks can cause infection.  Is it rare?  Yes, but captain know it all @Malacka11 acted like the statement was totally false.   

  10. 3 hours ago, schoeppeya said:

    I don't get the mask thing and never will, but some people really, really hate them. My mom included (and I think @BuffaloWeather said he did too a couple pages back). EVEN IN the scenario they didn't help physically to stop the spread, I think they mentally help reassure people and that means a lot. And there's really no cost to wearing them. But, there isn't a whole lot of "anti-mask" rhetoric in this thread. @dta1984 has said a couple times he still wears one everywhere he goes. 

    As far as the rest of the scary language... I think people just have to understand that people saying the government should be forcing people to get the vaccine at this point is equally scary to some people. And that's not even political (for me at least). Just for a little color on that-there are things that I LOVE in life that the future of depends on effective communication, rational thought, and science based arguments, because I am in the overwhelming minority of people who participate in those activities. The way you guys talk about some of this stuff using emotional rationalization scares me in the exact same way the anti mask or anti vaccine rhetoric scares you guys, because to me, it sets a precedent that I see as a pathway that could bring an end to my way of life. But, we have to find ways to talk about this stuff where we promote mutual respect and understanding instead of scaring each other when we disagree on something. 



    Weird, I thought I "verbatim" said masks cause infection.  Which is interesting because dirty ones in fact do in some situations.  

  11. 44 minutes ago, Malacka11 said:

    Look. Again, this isn't even directed against you. Although I don't agree with everything you say, you engage in civil discourse better than I have, and I respect that. But some of the goobers in here are really just frightening, like dta who has verbatim said that masks lead to *more* infections (and I don't think it was sarcasm).

    Was this a recent statement?  I did just relay what the WHO says about exercising and microorganisms.   In addition, wearing a used mask filled with bacteria isn't good either. 

    I'll own it if I said it somewhere, but you've already tried coming at me about this. 


    • Weenie 1
  12. 13 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    If they decide to not get the vaccines that's on them, they are taking that risk. Everyone else should be living like they were before covid. That is what vaccines are for right? Not to social distance, wear a mask, and limit capacity everywhere. If all that still happens than what is the point of all of this? You do realize more kids under 16 die from the flu then covid right?

    The messaging with the vaccines has been very poor.  In the beginning it was take the vaccine, but you can still transmit, get infected, have to wear a mask, have to distance etc.   Now, I believe there is more data on at least reducing the transmission.   There has to be an end, otherwise you will never convince more people to take it.  

    • Confused 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, TimB84 said:

    Factual? No matter who you’re calling a hero, it’s an opinion. Whether it’s a soldier, a paramedic, a firefighter, a policeman, Sully Sullenberger, the passengers of Flight 93, the guys who got Bin Laden, your grandfather, a teacher, Obama, Trump, a covid task force, whoever, it’s nothing more than an opinion.

    Ok, yes, it's your opinion.  I am not denying the task force saves lives, I did say maybe.   It's just not the same as some of your other examples who do in fact save lives.

  14. 12 minutes ago, TimB84 said:

    Do they save lives? Yep. Then they’re heroes. Also, I don’t know why this suddenly morphed into participation trophies in your mind. You’re all too quick to use buzz words that you think will “trigger” people with opposing viewpoints, even when it has nothing to do with what is being discussed. That’s what trolls do.

    Seems like you're triggered.  A covid taskforce saves lives?  I mean, maybe, but that's stretching it.  The other examples of heroes are not stretching it and are factual.  

  15. 1 minute ago, yoda said:

    Nothing,  You stated "No one should force you to do anything you don't want to do."  So if you pull over a motorist and he tells you that, are you just going to agree and let him go on his way?

    Lol a bit of a stretch.  One thing is a law, the other is something that is voluntary. 

  16. 30 minutes ago, TimB84 said:

    “Snoops on.” Those people are American heroes if you ask me.

    Ok "investigate" but, heroes?  Man come on.  I really hope you're just trying too hard here.  This isn't "everyone gets a participation trophy.". There are actual ones who put their lives on the line who are "heroes." 

  17. 2 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    This won't help vaccine hesitancy. First they lied about the effectiveness and now this. Europe is going to be quite a bit behind the US as this was one of their primary vaccines. 

    Clear link between AstraZeneca vaccine and rare blood clots in brain, EMA official tells paper


    This got buried quickly.

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