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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. Would be the perfect coup de Grace for this lousy winter as currently modeled for coastal folks
  2. Glad it’s not the N Korean model. That could be trouble
  3. And 5-10 will likely disappear on the ground about three days later
  4. If neither of these storms works out locally I’m ready for my low 50’s and dim sun till June
  5. I’m not completely surprised we’ve had a mediocre winter. As others have mentioned we were/are due for a “regression to the mean”. I was getting 1-2 foot storms multiple times a season and I knew that wasn’t typical for here
  6. Still haven’t had a storm deliver more than 3 inches this year here. Pretty incredible
  7. Meh..3-6 is like kissing your sister but I understand mine is likely the minority opinion..if I had kids like you I might look at it differently to be honest
  8. If 3-6 is the ceiling for this storm I think I’d rather chase the futility record…Or second least snowiest all time whatever it turns out to be..
  9. Heck with this. Might as well embrace it and get aboard the futility train at this point. At least THAT would be interesting LOL
  10. A bit off topic but watching a couple of YouTube videos about the 25th anniversary of the central FL tornado outbreak that occurred after midnight and killed over 40 people. How frightening that must have been…
  11. We got a coating on the grass so more than 0.00 but I just like that Animal House reference lol
  12. Just like Bluto Blutarsky’s GPA…0.00 snow
  13. Even when there’s nothing going on this place is never dull lol
  14. Even an 1980’s winter wouldn’t be too bad at this point
  15. I hope the tropics season will be more exciting than this winter has been
  16. I think two winter weather advisories this winter for eastern MA but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong
  17. Almost a calendar year now without any remarkable or memorable storms..
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