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Everything posted by weatherpruf

  1. Lyme damages the brain and cases often go undiagnosed. It can cause dementia; Kris Kristofferson was diagnosed with dementia and it turned out to be Lyme after a long investigation; not sure how reversible that is, especially in the elderly. Some of the sunscreens cause issues as well, but melanoma is worse. Risk benefit....if you can avoid the ticks great, but that is getting hard to do. My dogs bring them in and I get them in the park right in the concrete jungle. I mean the microfibers in our clothes are also suspect, especially anything water repellent. It's pretty hard to avoid toxins, many of us have PFAS in our drinking water. You can use bottled but who knows what's in it right? And I'm not even going to get into air particulates and microplastics....
  2. Extensive studies have shown little benefit to organic foods, and a lot of them really aren't organic. I learned this in fisheries; a lot of the stuff for sale in markets is not what the label says it is. Recently I have seen porgies labeled Dorado, farm raised hybrid bass labeled wild striped bass ( illegal in NJ ) and tilapia labeled as flounder. And one reason you'll see " wild caught" is because that just means it was caught in a net; it could be a farmed salmon that's escaped. No one knows unless they break out a DNA test. So just eat what looks good in moderation and don't worry about it. Avoid smoking ( everything including pot, which is not, as some believe, some miracle health elixir; clear studies show long term cognitive decline with use ) and alcohol. But if you want to smoke and drink, have at it. Whatever gets you through the day. within reason, is my philosophy. We're all headed to the same conclusion.
  3. I've been bitten by lone star ticks a few times. Always on look out for meat allergy to develop. I carry an epi pen. I've also read to look at acorns; mice make nests of the shells; if there are a lot of acorns, this is bad for us. Deer are facing chronic wasting problems and they may be decreasing, ( and already are ) in parts of the country. You can buy treated clothes, not sure how long it lasts, but the permethrin wash that you can add really smells. I've sent the ticks out a few times and docs are happy to take a copay, but they say that only covers the tick you know about. So its probably better to get bloodwork if you can; because I have risk factors I am put on doxycycline whenever I get bitten.
  4. It also hit close to 80 a couple days.
  5. Despite living nearby for 61 years, I have never been to that pond. Was reading the book Kings of Their Own Ocean, about the captain, Al Anderson, who tagged 62,000 bluefin tuna and changed the science by doing so. He was an author and trained fisheries guy, but he learned to fish as a kid at....Roosevelt Pond. Like Capt Dave Cararro ( of Middletown ) of Wicked Tuna fame, he made his reputation in New England. But you can't take Jersey out of the Jersey guy....I knew both of them briefly.
  6. Only one heavy band here but it snowed steadily. Looks to be about 2-2.5. Enough that the dogs were unhappy with it covering their toes.
  7. See my previous post. This isn't new. Whitman declared a state of emergency for a week because it was COLD. I mean, it really was cold, but ya know, we have heat in the modern world....and we did in 1994.
  8. I do remember Bloomberg shutting down in March 2003 or 4 for a storm that never accumulated much. We'd had a run of big storms by then. You're right, the monster storms we saw in the 2000's were on another level. I believe they were an anomaly connected to climate change, and that we may have reached a tipping point where normal snows become more and more rare. But I'm not a scientist. I've just read this may happen at some point. No one can say when.
  9. Will be in the Bronx tomorrow for my son's celebration at the zoo with his graduate cohort. Hope there will be some cover otg.
  10. Also, a LOT of staff in North Jersey live in Ocean and Monmouth counties. If they aren't coming in, either because their own kids are off from school or they just don't want the hassle of driving and can burn a personal or sick day, then you have kids in school with not enough staff. And since they outsourced the subs to an almost minimum wage outfit that can't seem to find anyone who doesn't have a felony record, they can't get subs anymore. This mean putting the kids in the auditorium or cafeteria with a few beleaguered staff members who immediately regret coming in, and definitely won't the next time. 31 years experience here......
  11. Oh its really pathetic here. But its all we got. Just seen a plow go by and a salter and have no idea what they were plowing. I did take the snow blower out of mothballs in the hopes for 3 inches but it will not be needed.
  12. There's another factor; attendance in general has dropped like a rock. And that's on a normal day. Any kind of weather and even fewer show up.
  13. I have seen that dozens of times over the years and I cannot quite figure it out; it's like we are too far south for the NW storms, and too far north for the coastal ones. Could use one more decent band here. At least one made it....
  14. Were you around in 94? We ran out of days. Went to June 30th. Part of that was Whitman's decision to declare a state of emergency in NJ for....frigid temps ( talk about Murphy all you want, there is precedence here ). Schools heard that and closed for the WEEK. And what did her education secretary say? ( Leo Klagholz, who never worked in a public school ) " I heard the governor declare a state of emergency; I did not hear her say to close the schools." Private schools, of course, did not bother to make up all the days, but we did. I was in Elizabeth where they normally didn't close for snow.
  15. They have the days built in so no loss. Some districts may use remote for the day. In a worse winter they wouldn't call it, but in mild ones they will for a small event. For one, people quickly forget how to drive in this stuff after a few lean years. There has also been a marked increase in erratic driving since the pandemic, with theories ranging from pent up frustration to viral micro brain damage. If you have been on 287, you know there is something to this....
  16. I'm in Colonia and its underwhelming. Had a burst an hour ago but back to light stuff. I don't see us getting much out of this. But at least it looks like winter.
  17. Earlier today I though something was actually gonna happen....there's even a sign on the highway warning of snow. Jeebus. Now we get busts before the storms even happen......
  18. No problem, and no need to apologize. We could have a good discussion but this is not why our friends come here. They'd go to an education forum to read that stuff if they wanted.
  19. Amen. Lots of words typed over what looks like it won't be a big deal for a lot of us. Even Anthony seems to have written it off. Or maybe he is just getting cynical.
  20. At one time this was mostly true, but with the concerted attempts to dismantle public schools, many urban children now attend charters ( which are public in name only ) which can be way across town; some families have kids in multiple charters.
  21. I actually taught there 30 years ago or so. I asked the director, what about snow? he said they cancel on the 7th flake. Sure enough a storm was forecast in Feb and they canceled. Never saw a flake. At that time almost all of the kids were bussed, it was still semi-rural; wear orange if you cut school, the kids were told....
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