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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Basement just started to flood from the dry sump well. Thankfully we were able to drop a pump in there and it's slowly pumping down. I think it got up to a half-inch deep in the lowest corner of the basement. This went from "Oh, would you look at that, it's raining a lot!" to "This isn't funny anymore." Like I said, we're on a hill. Hope everyone else is staying safe!
  2. We got just over 5" when Ida rolled through two years ago. The Skook is starting to come up now. Historical data is at the bottom:
  3. That's gotta be old data they published at 3:30. I'm just a mile NE of there and they've been in the thick of it longer than we have. Can't wait to see the totals tomorrow!
  4. NJ. All the roads are flooded here. I have to leave here at 4am, so who knows...
  5. Busy doing meal prep for a week of travel to lovely Newark. That radar does not bode well. Going to start prepping for any possible power outages/water main breaks.
  6. I have water in my basement for the first time since we moved here almost 3 years ago. It's just seeping from a crack in the wall, but still. We live on a hill, and it didn't do that when that tropical storm dumped 5" on us so I thought we were in the clear. I guess that 3" we received on Friday plus today's rain is what it takes to do that. Good to know... Good to know...
  7. Absolutely chucked it down for a little bit, we're up to .91" for the day.
  8. Just got incredibly dark out. Storm is mostly behind the house, this is looking NW:
  9. Picked up another .04" just now, but we're all still waiting for the main event I think.
  10. 80°F/74DP My wife went outside to knock the Japanese beetles off the rose bushes and returned a few minutes later just drenched in sweat. She's noping out of further yardwork today lol.
  11. Parents' farm east of Oxford got 1.9". They really needed it!
  12. I guess we shall wait and and see if the NWS posts any totals tomorrow.
  13. I'd like to know where they measured that. Having a poke around at some of the PWS in the area showed between 0 and 1.5", though I did see a 3.5" just south of Exton.
  14. Whelp, there's our 3" for July. Back to regularly scheduled kvetching. Good luck, everybody!
  15. Already surging past .69". that's about a 2-3"/hr rate. We really needed this, but dang. Haven't had a proper gully washer in a while! Holy crap it went up to .74 in the few seconds it took me to copy/paste this.
  16. BIG rain here now. The cell that was stalled to my immediate SW filled in right over us.
  17. I know I'm pretty far north and east of most of us, but it's hella hot and humid here. It is starting to cloud up a bit though, and it looks like there might be showers popping up here and there.
  18. I just noticed that it cooled down from 91 to 71 in about an hour, now it's on the way back up at 73. We got .25".
  19. Stationary pop-up storm fringing me just to my west. We do have some raindrops though, so that's nice. Temp dropped from 91 to 80 as well. I'll take it.
  20. Just noticed another air quality alert for tomorrow through Friday. Just normal stuff, or Smoke Monster, Part III?
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