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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. Everyone is entitled to feel how they feel you won't get any argument from me but I will say there is a limit on how many times you say the same thing. I have zero skill but I've lived here a long time and I pay close attention to a lot of things. My opinion of this winter is mine and mine alone. I hope it snows.
  2. I think staying the course over flipping out over each run whether you are analyzing the individual run or not is the best way to go. When you get jumpy over jumpy model runs you kind of look silly if/when they flip back....but hey to each his/her own
  3. Taking bets that 18z is the worst run ever and 0z is spectacular and then 6z is the worst run ever then 12z is spectacular.....
  4. Good bad or ugly is always 10 days away...today is today though
  5. Actually yes the gfs has been advertising on OP runs 60-70 degree temps the first week of February. I'm shocked Bristow hasn't freaked out at it
  6. Best part about snowstorm90210 is that he basically states game over in a sentence or two....others always feel the need to say it in book form. Kudos Snowstorm...you nailed it!
  7. I think Ji flunked reading comprehension in High School but he still has time to grow
  8. I'm in my 50's man....I ain't got time for next year
  9. No...Ji said so goodbye Bob I mostly enjoyed your ripping and reading....I'll miss you
  10. Notice how the "influencers" are changing the mood of the board? Now we not only have the debs but some of the positive posters are starting to get negative. I know things don't look great right now but if all you do is then don't be surprised or complain when the model threads get choked with whiney deb posts.
  11. Do you ever get the feeling that some are trying too hard to predict what is going to happen? I certainly understand the pleasure of being able to read the models and teleconnections etc. but dang...a little bit of overload if you ax me. I hope it snows again in my lifetime
  12. Not sure anyone is ok with the pattern but as it has been pointed out the tools used to say what said pattern is or will be have not been terribly accurate yet here we are using those same tools to predict coming doom and gloom. We obviously dont truly know and we damn sure can't change it.....sooooo
  13. You all owe Snowstorm 90210 an apology
  14. Oh come on...they're just keeping it real.
  15. So intuitively when the atmosphere is in regime change I would expect lots of volatility and model jumpiness. I seriously have no skill beyond living in this area for a long time and being an observer. In my brain I fully expected the period between January 20 and February 1 to be like a ping pong ball. We've scored twice we might snag one or two more....not big enough for some...but still. Now if by the weekend we don't start seeing some consistency then my head will allow me to begin to prepare for meh. I love the chase as much as anyone but as I've stated many times I'm in look out the window mode and I enjoy each event no matter how big or small. Not a popular opinion but it is called my opinion for a reason. Good luck Ji and psu....of everyone on here you guys deserve snow the most.
  16. So statistically speaking the two highest rated models?
  17. Hard to tell the difference between ji psu and that snowstorm dude from pa now. They all sound the same
  18. They were closer in temps here over the weekend rain. I made comments many times about not thinking it would get that warm but in all fairness it did warm up significantly to my east
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