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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. The South will fall....to record lows. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/09/weather/weather-record-cold-antarctica-climate-change/index.html
  2. Same discussion in CPA forum. Humidity stinks but seemingly more drama over it than is deserved.
  3. Red Sox are namming the Rays. Another 4 hour baseball game.
  4. A whole bunch of highs in the 50's and lows in the 40's and upper 30's. A couple days in the 60's. DP's mostly 40's and 30's. On mobile so just quick 2m scan.
  5. I WILL post that the 18Z GFS is a fall lovers delight starting October 17.
  6. 64/59. Neighbors are out and everyone is enjoying fall. First leave piles of the year.
  7. This whole week has been nice but a bit humid. Two days we stayed in the 60's.
  8. No doubt but it would be ironic if we had the warmest October ever without getting close to any records.
  9. Just went and checked my numbers on this and the closest MDT has come to a record high or low temp, this month, has been 4 degrees on 10-6 when the low was 65 with the record being 69. As mentioned the highs have been no where near records with one day this week being 22 degrees under the record. I think one day they got within 7.
  10. 12Z EC back to its more defined trough for 8-10 days out. Definitely transient but flipping and flopping some.
  11. A record month with no high temps even remotely close to a record? (No low temps so far either though the records a bit closer to what MDT has come in at so far). FWIW, on the month we are currently near a +3 departure in the 'Ville. Highs have been below normal 3 days this week here. Lows have been 5-7 degrees too high. Central LSV is the one suffering the most.
  12. At least not since they learned how to make soccer balls lace free :-)
  13. This pretty much jives with the current look of LR models which show a less "Indian summer" like pattern in 10 days or so.
  14. Not at all. Its October 8th. LOL. But I do have some experience in said sport so thought I would help anyone who is going to give it a try.
  15. Remember, its best to hold the laces up when punting.
  16. I will have to pepper will into my convo more often.
  17. I am going to opine that I think around mid month, or a day or two after, we see some variability and some more "crisp" type evenings. It would be a pattern change at least in the aspect of some troughs rotating over us even if transient.
  18. After next week, the whole county goes in a mix of a ridgy/cross continental flow but the results are not hot...just not cold either. So some fall like weather just not winter.
  19. Will is a strong word when playing the weather model game (or weather game in general.)
  20. That is one of the recent tragedy's for me...the days of the GFS leading the way being a positive seem more limited now.
  21. I was looking at the quick elimination of that moderately deep trough; instead amping up the Central ridge.
  22. The 'Boys are so good, they are releasing top level players because they have too many on their roster. (Jaylon Smith)
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