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Everything posted by SP

  1. Nice moment of winter for the SoMoCo area
  2. Been light snow on and off at the cabin. When it picks up there is a quick coating that melts off in between snow showers. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Dude that is some pic. Makes me crave a Waffle.
  4. 2 inches from that wave. Skiers dropped off and enjoying the powder on top. Roads were a bit rough going but plowed and treated on way back.
  5. Light snow. Nice burst for the start. 1.5-2 inches. Now off to the ski mountain. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Will have our first inch soon. Vis about 1/4 mile at best. Everything is covered. Nice way to end the holiday break. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Well the snow just started and is quickly picking up as well the wind. Been at 1/2 vis but its dropping quickly to 1/4. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Nothing yet at the Lake Harmony Cabin. Cloud deck is lowering and no longer any breaks in the clouds. Has that “looks like snow” feel. Should be a decent ski day. Hope getting off the mountain later today is not too big a deal. Already had one episode of “frozen” this weekend. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Icy on the mountain. Many wrecks on the hills leading to the cabin road. Told someone not to even try and haul a car trailer off the mountain. They did anyway...jack knifed as I predicted. Looks like the roads up top are being closed for wreck removals. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Hmm. guess they were decoys? Imagine being a ski resort owner operator. Watching the snow melt is the equivalent to watching cash dissolve. Both the cash you deposited as well the free infusion provided by mother nature. Then its rinse and repeat.
  11. ducks on the pond through new years, post Mr Heatmiser's visit christmas eve.
  12. Wow and I thought I was the only one. Above my workshop is my home office. Great view of the backyard and farms etc. I installed a stadium light at the crown of the roof. Always get comments through the summer how awesome it is for backyard games. There is always a family member who outs me. It's for watching the snow fall.
  13. Well this was obviously not what we all hoped for, however, after last year its hard to complain. While I do not have an official measurement for my perch on the mountain my confidence is high that 12” was exceeded but doubtful it would go beyond 14-16. I will survey later once the sun comes up. There were certainly moments of puking snow and wind creating white out conditions. I did not stay up for the upper low backlash but looking at the cameras it certainly delivered 4-6+ in short order. Can really see it pile up on time scroll. Funny my skiers were all cheering for the mega storm. I reminded them when this was obviously going to under perform that 2-3ft powder in the Poconos is really NOT the best conditions for skiing. There is simply not enough vertical and length, unlike say VT, NH and out west. (There are a few exceptions that our trail specific, like razor). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Not loving the look of the radar. Winds still cranking and puking snow. Just looks to ease up pace sooner.....not later. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. 18F and heavy snow. I’m thinking 5-7 so far but tough with the wind and blowing snow. We are definitely in a snow cloud here. Can’t see anything else.
  16. Just dumping at 2100ft near big Boulder. Can’t measure anything wind is whipping snow everywhere
  17. We gonna have a storm obs thread? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. So you’re saying there is a chance? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. I’m a go big or go home kinda person. Elevation.....latitude. NEPA between Thorpe and Wilkes stretch along the PA TPK. Now tweaking a bit north and west might find the bullseye but also put you in an area with less resources. Been chasing snow in PA for 30yrs. When the true dumps occur...things often take a while before travel becomes safe. 93 blizzard was a fine example....figured on 2ft. Got 3ft and three extra days on the mountain. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Don’t forget the pass on RT 80 Blakeslee through hickory run. I have watched the sliding and crashing from the mosey wood bridge. Scary stretch. Pa is full of them. Driving to cabin near BB saw the travel restrictions kick in at 1pm. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Like I said earlier..... Billy billy billy.......... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. After reading this thread today all I can think about is: Heading up to the cabin tomorrow after lunch. Should be some good obs from 2100ft on the edge of the mountain. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Careful. 2010 was religious in SoMoCo. 6ft base at our house. Drifts to 15ft. We would leave the pocono cabin and wait for my friend and his bucket loader to open our driveway.....week after week. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. WOW Good thing I have the chirp wheel!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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