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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Sure is a shame to piss away this incoming cold air for nothing or very little....
  2. Just got to Wawa...a couple flurries floating around while driving but damn it's cold w/that wind howling.
  3. 3 days in a row...man, your pile must be huge!
  4. Some flakage going on from this batch moving through...
  5. When should we/models start "locking in" to this potential event? Tomorrow night's run? Currently I feel everything is still way up in the air...more so than normal. If this damn thing slides way to the S and we get zip I may lose it.
  6. I've had 12-18hrs of drizzle-snow which accumulated and inch or less...I don't think I ever had 24hrs. Not that I don't believe you but seems almost impossible.
  7. ^Probably not a trend, just enough to screw w/us till the next run.
  8. Even 1-3" would be good. Just to get that feel we're on the right track. We're in a major funk right now.Cloudy/chilly/cold/ rain...repeat. And today we have fog...
  9. 39F, cloudy/foggy/misty and down right raw...some rain building a bit to the West.
  10. ^ Getting close to State college...they have many cams to check out what's going on.
  11. Had a decent period of sleet about an hour ago. Looking to West, clearing a bit as the sun goes down.
  12. I look at 2 sites for temps...one says 30F and other 34F so I don't know but it does look like snow.
  13. Something ready to swing through here soon...is the yellow sleet? 34F currently.
  14. That's just too nice. I feel like we're light years away from seeing anything remotely close to that within the 24hr range. Everything is a week+ out and fails..
  15. Man, just realized it's approaching almost 2 months since our Nov snowstorm. Boy, we really pissed away some valuable snow potential days with nothing to show and still nothing definite looking into the future.
  16. Going to fall just short of an inch at 0.97"....you can see clearing to the West.
  17. Nice little spin/pivot action going on....mod/heavy rain. (not snow!)
  18. They still may though....I believe the Phils are 1/3 teams still in the hunt for harper.
  19. I remember when I was in grade school we had this thing called the "phone tree". One or more parents were notified by the school that they were close. Those parents called other parents who called other parents and so on. It was a joke of a system because one missing link (parent) would screw everything up...
  20. Overall, I'll pay money for a under performing-juice starving clipper right now...
  21. Temps in the 30s/40s (dry) isn't that cold. Temps is the 30s and 40s w/rain is damp/raw and feels cold. That was my point.
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