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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Although the weather has been dead boring for a while and will continue....can't help but like days in the 60s/70s and nights in the 50s and I think 40s soon. Thank God we have Sally for some tracking entertainment/excitement...
  2. Stuff growing out West. I may act like an idiot and try to mow the lawn before it rolls through....impress the neighbors.
  3. Looks like a little stuff moving in...
  4. Well, this certainly didn't pan out but the critters were cheering to the end! Pretty sure I heard E-A-G-L-E-S chants by them as I was hauling the TV back into the house? God Bless non biting critters.... 65F / DP 53
  5. 73F / DP 49 ....with bright blue skies and 100% sunshine. May haul the TV outside tonight for the Flyers game with lows in the 50s and critters being the fans...
  6. Well, at least Del is getting pounded....
  7. A solid 15 min downpour but no thunder/lightning. 73F / DP 71 Winds from the WNW...DPs should start to drop.
  8. Yeah, I'm not counting on anything too severe around here...more like showers. The sun is shaded by high clouds, temps in the mid 80s, DPs 67-68 and the radar is nothing to write home about approaching 3pm. If anything, the S may fire up and cash in...
  9. ^ Yeah, fell apart...a light shower. 79F / DP 75
  10. Well, some sort of line starting to form. Super muggy out...critters raising hell. 78F / DP 74
  11. I know I had 1 90F+ since my post on 8/17...maybe 2, not 3. But I think 90+ degree days are done....hail Fall!
  12. I'm all in! Screw summer and the death to all mosquitoes and gnats. Critters who make noise but don't bite can stay a little longer. 73F / DP 71
  13. I'm following the Farmers Almanac because it follows my agenda... https://www.farmersalmanac.com/extended-forecast
  14. Labor day weekend is shaping up super nice. Temps in the upper 70s/low 80s, low DPs and more sun than not. I know I'm in the minority but I get waayyy more excited about Labor day than Memorial day for many reasons. (Fall/Winter coming, allergies slow/stop, damn mosquitoes/gnats die, dark earlier, football, can do stuff outside w/o becoming a puddle, holidays approaching etc)
  15. I think I pissed them off when I got the weed wacker out and trimmed under the bushes... Light shower going on...65F / DP 63
  16. Mowing complete on my end. Perfect day for such a task...cloudy, cool and no rain. Crickets were going nuts. 65F / DP 63
  17. 2020 However, I rather get screwed on rain than snow any day of the week...
  18. Kinda odd saying this but I think the precip moving up from the SW is running into dry air....in August. Seems to be hitting a wall then pooff.... 69F / DP 58
  19. 69F / DP 64F at 11:30pm. Temps and DPs are taking a dive...nice breeze outside as well.
  20. Let me get this straight. Cold front coming down into moist mid 70s DP air and it fizzles out? Figures. Meh, who cares. Flyers up 1-0 after the 1st is more important...
  21. Falling apart down this way...maybe a shower?
  22. I guess this is the cold front approaching. Maybe get a quick boomer... 83F / DP 75
  23. That must be a sauna. Muggy here but at least it's cloudy 80F /DP 75
  24. Flas Watching the Bos/TB game and a Flash Flood Warning came zinging across the screen for portions of Jersey with that annoying loud buzzing sound. Not much here yet but Laura's bringing the tropical air...DP 75
  25. Jersey is having a good morning rainfall wise...not much going on in/around Philly and local N/W burbs. And to answer your question, I think you'll make it to 9"+... 75F / DP 73
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