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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Really couldn't ask for much more...accumulating snow while watching football/ Birds at night...I'm pumped. Been spotty flakes but looks like the main event ready to move in... 26F
  2. Do they even do this anymore? I received a quarter and was happy as shit...times have changed. Dover radar:
  3. I go full force....in the gas tank and right down the carb/throttle body/adams apple and give it some revs. Good stuff. Snow picking up a bit, double header football and I'll probably be completely lazy and order out/delivery to wrap up things. Recliner...
  4. I'll know in a few. I have stuff coming up from the S and stuff rip-roaring in from the W. Good thing, temps in the 20s...if it falls, it will stick.
  5. I was going to take a quick snooze (RedSky/ ) before the games begin at 4:30pm but stuff seems to be approaching much faster than predicted unless just virga? 27F/Cloudy
  6. Exactly. Plus older folks take time to get their shit in gear...myself included.
  7. Dover radar...definitely looks like snow out there. (low clouds) *Someone kick the couch and wake RedSky up... 26F
  8. Once we have cold air in place (and some snow pack) even an inch or two is pretty cool and some wind will help... 26F
  9. NBC10 @ 11am going with 1-3" Philly, 2-4" local burbs,heaviest stuff during the Birds game. That works... 26F
  10. 25F, low clouds...hell, I'll take 2-4" w/football later. Perfect.
  11. MA subforum is a trip. Not shaving till after the Birds tomorrow night or RedSky wakes up... 22F
  12. I think most of us all want is a 2-4" thing a ma ginger...cold air is there so we're half way home. 22F
  13. If it's sub 32F and stuff falling I'm in at this point. We have a pretty decent pattern... 22F
  14. Boys lost, if Birds win,this, cold for a time....good week. Cold as balls out there..
  15. There was a quick shot of Jerry in the booth...he looked so pissed.
  16. I'm keeping a somewhat straight face....yep, may be us late Monday night.
  17. I'm in...along w/GB up over Dallas 14-0 in Dallas. Jerry may croak...
  18. Big stuff/sideways falling/windy, rampage. Not sticking to a damn thing/thang...
  19. Welp, Christmas stuff still lit outside heading to Wawa...
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