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Everything posted by Cfa

  1. 34 and snow in Mt. Vernon. Accumulating on roads.
  2. Salt seems to have taken snow’s place this winter. Literal salt drifts on the sides of roads.
  3. Very cold today, it’s been nearly a year (361 days) since I had a high in the 20’s, it hasn’t happened since January 15th (2018). Today looks borderline, and may hit at least 30.
  4. I hope this phantom pattern change is a departure from this wet pattern that’s been in place for the entirety of 2018. Much of Long Island got a break during the summer, both June and July were drier than normal. Hot and super humid but dry and sunny, much like Aruba but slightly cooler. Everywhere else had to deal with excess rainfall all year it seems.
  5. 4:25 to 4:43 here, gaining more than a minute per day from here on out, in 10 days it’ll be +2 minutes per day, +3 minutes in early Feb.
  6. Made it to 48 today, and with sun. I’m grateful for all of these hat-less winter days, I haven’t worn one in about a month. Slowly beginning to notice the later sunsets as well, nearly 20 minutes later than early Dec. It’s about time.
  7. Very cool. Sounds like the most advanced model to date. It’ll be interesting to see how it stacks up against the others. Also, I already find myself reading “GRAF” as “giraffe”.
  8. My only ice storm memory is of the Jan 1999 ice storm in the DC area, it was serious, the landscape looked very alien, all trees and power lines sagged in ways I’d never seen (and still haven't seen again), I recall one power line encased in thick ice dangling right in front of the window just a few feet away. This event was also my earliest weather memory.
  9. That’s the same station I have, I got it back in March after that storm at the beginning of the month wrecked my temp/humidity sensor. My wind readings are shot, since it’s an all-in-one station mounted at 5 feet, but everything else has been pretty spot on. My only complaint is the lack of an aspirating fan, on sunny mornings with dead calm winds my temperature runs a few degrees too high, but (thankfully) never to the point where it affects the daily high temperature. This happens roughly 1-2 times per month.
  10. I hit 105 in Queens, highest temperature I’ve ever experienced. Newark (and maybe LGA) is definitely going to hit 110 one of these days. Old Bridge, NJ hit 110 back in 1936.
  11. 48 is much closer to normal (40) than 13. Some winters don’t even get as cold as 13 for a low, last year’s cold was out of this world.
  12. What I don’t want is a cold/snowy early spring. We’ve seen enough of those.
  13. Moderate snow here, starting to accumulate on cold surfaces. Probably won’t get any more than trace, however. Snow in my palm:
  14. Yes, lasted a few minutes in Harlem, quite a scary sight. Sky turned a greenish blue with a loud electric buzzing sound.
  15. 0.10” of water here, I don’t know if it was all rain or mixed at times overnight, but nothing’s white.
  16. Some types are even hardier than that, there was a small hedge of rosemary at the Smith Haven Mall for years, but it died last winter during that arctic outbreak in late Dec/early Jan.
  17. 6 inches can fall on December 1st and be gone by December 2nd, that doesn’t count as a white Christmas, although I realize that expecting snow to fall on particular calendar days is ridiculous, it doesn’t negate the fact that December generally isn’t as friendly to snow lovers as January, February, and even March. My comment had more to do with some members getting antsy about the absence of snow + the post card version of NYC around the holidays that suggest it’s *supposed* to be snowy, when in reality 50+ degrees is significantly more likely than snow on 12/24 & 12/25. The 2010’s have been the gift that keeps on giving (weather-wise), so I fully expect this winter to drag on for eons like almost all of the others in this era (I hope I’m wrong).
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