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Everything posted by Cfa

  1. Lol the delayed spring torches are just one thing on a laundry list of reasons why I’ve grown to dislike LI.
  2. Bottomed out at 31 here, forecast was 24.
  3. 12.5” here, biggest event was the November storm with 4.3”. Glad it’s over.
  4. 0.99” final total. 49 and sunny now.
  5. Has the wet pattern finally ended? Only 0.03” yesterday here, with no rain the preceding 4-5 days, and no rain in the forecast. Will be getting a much needed car wash today, it’s been like a year.
  6. 52 now here. Topped out at 58. The wind has made today less enjoyable.
  7. 56 here. It’d be nice if we’d hit at least 60. Long Island sucks.
  8. It’d be nice if Long Island cooperates.
  9. I haven't been to Long Beach since I left Far Rockaway a little over a year ago. Used to commute via the barrier islands instead of the disgustingly crowded Southern State or Sunrise Highway. I liked the winter climo down there better than here, but the almost-daily sea breezes in the summer made me sick, not a factor here.
  10. This 27 degree air feels like 37 under the March sun. Bottomed out at 19 this morning.
  11. Snow weenies, here’s your record tying snowfall lol. This is something I’d noticed and thought was strange, however I didn’t suspect that it was this rare.
  12. 2.1” of slush. Likely some compaction, but not enough to really matter with such a low total.
  13. 33/33. Light snow, only a trace so far, nothing on the roads.
  14. Monmouth literally borders Staten Island and Queens.
  15. 44/29, with sun. I hope all of yesterday’s snow melts before this event, for the sake of accurate measurements.
  16. Wow. I wasn’t expecting to see totals this high, but the north shore really is a different entity. I’m equidistant from the LI Sound and the Great South Bay. Finished with exactly 3 inches here.
  17. 2.8” here in Islip. I’ve officially passed the 10 inch mark for the season. 10.2” now so far.
  18. Definitely. And it’s no coincidence that March has generally been colder than normal in recent years with a couple of outliers that were significantly warmer than normal. Aside from 2011, we haven’t seen a “normal” March in this decade.
  19. With 0.2” March is already snowier than December (0.0”). 0.5” needed for March to be snowier than January (0.6”). 2.2” needed for March to be snowier than February (2.3”). 2.8” needed for March to be snowier than Winter 2018-19 (2.9”). 4.2” needed for March to be snowier than November (4.3”).
  20. 0.2” here. Still snowing so this isn’t final. Seasonal total: 7.4” DJF: 2.9”
  21. These are the largest flakes I’ve seen since the November event. 23/14.
  22. Winds still ripping at times, slowly becoming more sporadic though. 28mpg heading west on the LIE (headwind). 36mpg heading east on the LIE (tailwind). 30-32mpg is about normal for me.
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