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Everything posted by Cfa

  1. Topped out at 70. Cloudy and 59 now. 17th day in a row with measurable precipitation, 0.04” fell overnight.
  2. Just passed 70 inches of precip in under 14 months, the amount of time I’ve had my wx station.
  3. Even the Cilantro I planted is struggling to take off due to the lack of sunshine. Temps right now are perfect for it, but once this pattern breaks and we get a taste of summer it’ll quickly bolt and become useless.
  4. Day 16 of measurable precipitation, 5.68” of rain so far. Could be a whole lot higher, but ultimately it isn’t the amount of rain that’s annoying (we’ve gotten more than 2x that in 3 hours), it’s the duration and lack of sunshine, it’s agonizing.
  5. I wonder why LGA’s temp departure is radically different than the rest of the NYC bunch.
  6. Biggest rumble of thunder just ripped right overhead, out of nowhere. I wasn’t even expecting storms. Scared the hell out of everyone.
  7. 57 and cloudy. I’m outside (in a t-shirt) so I felt the changeover from warm to cold.
  8. Temp already tumbling through the 60’s, down to 66 currently. Topped out at 73.2 which technically makes this the warmest day so far this year, the previous warmest day was 4/23 with a high of 73.0.
  9. My highest temp so far is only 73. At this point I don’t care what the temp is, I just want some sunshine. 13th consecutive day with precipitation.
  10. Wasn’t expecting the sky to clear out, sunny now but chilly at 56 degrees. High today only 58.
  11. Looks like I’ll fall just short of 10 consecutive days with measurable precipitation. Sucks because it did rain tonight, still drizzling actually. Edit: May have squeezed out a 0.01” at the last minute. More rain now falling.
  12. 39 this morning, hasn’t been in the 30’s since 4/11.
  13. Last 8 days here (including today) have seen measurable rainfall totaling 3.54”, this month so far has seen 6.45”, falling on 19 out of 27 days.
  14. Finished with 1.61”, way more than I anticipated. And I probably drove through the same amount between LI and PA, if not more.
  15. Just drove through the line in PA, very heavy rains, severe warned but nothing severe (aside from blinding rains). Glad I switched to Rain-X wipers this morning, I wouldn’t have been able to see otherwise.
  16. Currently 68 after a high of 73, the warmest of the year so far.
  17. Currently in a brief lull, no rain falling but it’s interesting to observe the clouds changing directions. Line of heavy-ish rains came in from the southeast and now clouds are moving southwest.
  18. Ehh, radar looked more impressive than what’s currently happening. Rain is falling at a rate of only 0.47” per hour. Best part was the deep thunder at the onset.
  19. Temp is creeping back through the 60’s now after having dropped into the 50’s. Currently 62/62.
  20. I should change my username to WARmonger. 61 and alternating between cloudy and sunny.
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