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CT Rain

Moderator Meteorologist
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Everything posted by CT Rain

  1. Would probably be a nasty flash freeze on the GFS What was the good one... March 03?
  2. Some follow up energy there. Not impossible I guess - there as a lot of spread with the EPS along the track.
  3. There's definitely some torchy members in there.
  4. As modeled there's plenty of cold being advected south during the storm. But we're so far out you can't really sa anything with certaintyt.
  5. Man the Euro is ugly down here. That's a really impressive ice storm has modeled.
  6. op GFS is quite juicy for Friday. That's an advisory event.
  7. Right? Pattern overall looks a lot better. This weekend was really a thread the needle in a crappy overall pattern.
  8. Inversion - kept the sound waves ducted.
  9. Maybe later is better? Get the SSS out and get the N stream energy to hold back some?
  10. They seem slower too - some decent members on Monday.
  11. Yes - for sure. HRRR keeps BDL below freezing for a while.
  12. I mentioned the GFS tonight on the news lol
  13. Euro pretty torchy verbatim with the follow up wave at 925/BL.
  14. System is pretty weak sauce though
  15. 48 hours ago some models were a bit more bullish but that was definitely gone prior to the event.
  16. LOL - they did? Which model are you looking at?
  17. That was one of my first weekends at the TV station and we got crushed. All fluff - the roads were fine an hour after the snow ended lol
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