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Everything posted by powderfreak

  1. More of the same...it will get hot and humid (and hazy) at times, but transient in nature is the theme so far.
  2. Yup and by the end of the month it's near peak foliage in the mountains...can even snow/graupel across the summits in 6 weeks with a good cold shot on NW flow
  3. Sounds about right. May be bringing in the change too early...probably more like Sept/Oct when the heat really arrives.
  4. 10C is highs in the 60s to maybe low 70s torch spots. Early fall airmass.
  5. That's what last night felt like. We lost 21F in 4 hours and 19F in 3 hours during the evening. Those are the fall-like airmasses and there have been a bunch of them in the past week to 10 days it seems. The stuff where you've got shorts and a t-shirt on at 7pm but then you're closing windows and slider doors by 9-10pm 6pm...75F (full sunshine) 7pm...73F (still with sun out but growing shadows) 8pm...63F (sun goes behind Mansfield and the bottom drops out, losing 10F in an hour) 9pm...58F 10pm...54F The night before was the same way... 72F at 6pm and then 52F at 10pm, 20F in 4 hours. With low dews, as soon as the sun hits that critical level its off to the races as heat radiates out incredibly fast.
  6. 8 to 10 day mean on all the major global models really has the look of an all-out torch. Talk about persistence, lol.
  7. Last summer was hot. I think BDL had like 17 days of 90+ in just July alone. Compared to like 3 this year or something like that.
  8. We don't expect anything less...summer in Sept and Oct.
  9. I'll probably have a week in September with higher max temps than this past week.
  10. Feels a bit humid out today despite temps in the 70s.... looks like we've tickled mid-60s for dews up here. That's some mid-summer stuff. Holy crap, just saw BDL is 87/73. Surprised Blizzy isn't all over that. That's fairly legit July weather.
  11. Haha right about the time DIT goes from the +KFS mode to -KFS, it'll flip and be 80s the entire month of October.
  12. I'm looking at that like, is that correct? That's a huge area of 50-60+ kt winds. Crazy.
  13. Seems to be causing perpetual bagginess in the height fields over northeastern US....every day I've been looking at the 8-10 day or 10-15 day means and they all look the same going forward. Ridge in the west to upper midwest and then sort of WNW flow in the means over us.
  14. BDL's +0.7 departure for the first third of July is really impressive. Hope the heat continues to crank down there. Up here its been like living in an oven at -1.6 from normal and a highest temperature of 82F in the first 9 days of July.
  15. Yeah every time it seems like we may see more of a western Atlantic ridge at two weeks out, it just goes back to hot in the SW with near normal up here between troughs and some southerly flow interludes. Day 8-10 means continue to show troughiness in the east with more ridging into the W/NW. This pattern has been fairly persistent as you said, Tip, so there's not a lot of reason to think we are going to see large scale changes in the mass fields until there's some more support for sustained eastern ridging.
  16. Yeah that may be pushing it. Early September at BDL is like 80/58 type stuff...though there may be a couple of those days in the next 10 or so, but I bet its mostly low to mid 80s at the SNE torch station. I say that but the last 4 days (including today) have been a bit below normal at BDL... yesterday's 81/60 was -2 and today's 5pm climo report is showing 73/63 for a -5 on the day. Today's data at BDL is similar to September 5th, but did it with daytime rain keeping the max down. Overall it looks pretty dead on normal to me going forward, though if I had to nod in a direction it may be a bit below normal for some spots like up here which have been running -1 to -2 since June 1st, and pockets of SNE. I see nothing to think it'll get into a sustained above normal pattern though. I know Metherb has been below normal too but when the overall pattern is within a degree or so of normal either way you'll have that local variation. Some spot will be +0.6 and the next will be -0.5 or something. Pretty boring but nice summer...I'd say most are in the -1 to +1 range for departures over the next 10-14 days.
  17. Looks like some nice normal summer weather...or maybe a bit below at times. Temperatures throughout the period will be slightly cooler than normal. && All three major global models now have some troughiness in the day 8/9/10 means. I don't think it'll be "cool" like someone will interpret this post, because its mid-summer and near normal is still warm and nice. Just like in winter when its January and a normal temp pattern is more than sufficient to satisfy. Its just a perfect summer so far and looks to continue. Warm enough to swim and do outdoor recreation without having to hide in the AC....great sleeping weather to boot.
  18. Ahhh ok it's trended warmer. I haven't looked to be honest but I'll take your word for it. You kept mentioning 70s like it was impossible and hadn't been done lately. June was solidly below normal here with the 3 local sites east of the Greens at -1 to -2. We'll see where July takes us but the first 5 days are -2.1. Long way to go and could easily get very hot. But you aren't going to convince me we haven't had any BN weather with those numbers. It has been a very enjoyable summer so far. Enjoy your 75-82F next week at home. Uninstall and let the windows open up and the breeze through while BDL is 84-85F.
  19. I feel like countering Kev makes me seem like this huge cold mongerer, or reverse anti-SAD or whatever Tip talks about, but I do enjoy just normal summer weather. I also like facts and 83-87F for a week in mid-summer at the warmest place in New England doesn't strike me as all that hot knowing the vast majority of folks will realize temps cooler than that. Sort of like highs 75-83F for most of us on the board with some mid-80s at the warmest spots, pretty spot on normal or within a degree or two either side depending on the day.
  20. Normal is what 85F or maybe 86F next week? Yesterday at BDL was 86/58 and was -1 for the day. That's far from a torch at BDL in mid-July if that's what you are trying to say. 75-82F for Tolland next week? Sounds perfect actually.
  21. That's an interesting thought haha. The summer equivalent to the mid-winter thaw doesn't seem as noticeable. However summer temps are far less variable than they are in say January where it can range from -20F to 60F even within a couple days given the set up. Christmas Eve 2015 when it was 70F up here with thunderstorms is the July equivalent of like 130F. Never gonna happen. It would be like in July if it could range from 20F to 100F depending on the pattern lol.
  22. The ORH obs from today are what dreams are made of for perfect outdoor weather. High of 80F but 6 hours of temps between 77-79F with dews of 44-47F this afternoon. If that's not the definition of Chamber weather, I don't know what is. Up this way had a similar high of 81F and the sun was plenty hot for a late afternoon swim in the chilly river waters. Looks like BML wins the diurnal change award today, with a high of 83F off a low of 43F.
  23. Kev's favorite winter ASOS had a brutally hot end of June. Even one day of 60s. ORH from the 24th through the 30th for highs: 80/78/74/69/72/73/82
  24. During that stretch last week BDL was 80/75/79/80. Thats the warmest place in SNE. Its ok, not every cool shot is turning into low to mid-80s ;).
  25. You just can't avoid it when he says every time people mention 70s it's really low to mid 80s....then you look it up and find most of the days last week had highs in the 70s for him.
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