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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Looks like awful weather the rest of the month. Yippee.
  2. UConn vs Marquette in the big east championship is gonna be good.
  3. I’ll take more of these please. Spectacular weather.
  4. Absolutely gorgeous outside today.
  5. 3rd biggest event of the winter?
  6. The wind has been roaring the last hour or so. Biggest gusts of the day. A huge 40’ oak came down a few blocks away earlier this afternoon. Thankfully didn’t fall onto any houses.
  7. Ready for the 70s this week. May be a good week to have a mental health day at work.
  8. But you’d need to live on the crazy west coast. Deal breaker.
  9. Between the warmer weather and longer days, I’m happy spring is on our doorstep. Bye bye winter.
  10. That’s just too much snow, lol.
  11. Yeah, I'll take this for the rest of March, please. Perfect day!
  12. Today is gonna be a beaut of a day. Get out and enjoy it.
  13. But at least we’ll have 7 threads where everyone can say the same thing about lack of snow.
  14. Yay for first day of spring! Bring on the 60s and sun.
  15. Yo charge your phone in case you lose power!
  16. Pouring on the way home from work.
  17. Great weekend weather coming up to tend to yard work outside the 30-50% rain chances. I’ll be doing some leaf cleanup for whatever stragglers got blown into our yard, cleaning up the herb garden, and putting in the mulch delivery order.
  18. Yeah, who cares about 100" of snow? If its not 4,500 feet of snow, I'm out.
  19. Down in Disney / Universal this week. The upper 60s and warm sun has me itching for spring.
  20. Really great winter day here. Upslope snow most of the morning/early afternoon before the sun broke through in the mid afternoon for a bit. But there’s been bouts of moderate to heavy snow showers for the last several hours where we’ve picked up 1.5” of new snow. Currently 15 degrees with gusty winds and light snow.
  21. It was actually better than I expected given the weather lately. They had a lot of trails open and conditions were good with the fresh snowfall. We just got back to the house from dinner and snow guns were firing as we drove by the mountain on 219.
  22. Got about 6”. Upslope snow showers all morning. Good one rolling through now with mod/heavy snow and huge flakes.
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