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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. It’s a total joke.....comical almost.....even Hawaii got good snows lolz
  2. I can’t.....it doesn’t deserve my shovel.....
  3. Really really hate this storm.....as per usual for this winter....like 3” snow I guess with a heavy sleet layer.....not even gonna move it.....a Ratter Rainer will roll through soon enough and take care of it....god this season sucks
  4. IDK.....I always found the "sierra cement" tag line mostly that.....a tag line......I can only recall maybe two or three seasons in my nearly 20 years of going to the Lake Tahoe area where it was truly cement......
  5. I very much miss this......seen these conditions first hand several times up there during my younger snow bum days skipping school at UC Davis and heading up the hill to ride......it really is incredible up there at times......the range just rings it out in copious amounts..... Edit: However sometimes it can be the complete opposite.....look up Reno New Years Flood 1997.......we were stranded there for 4 days...lol
  6. RAINS TO MAINES!!!! I love that.....it’s so fitting and so great......the lobsters don’t give a shit I guess....lol
  7. I’m not old enough to just be cool with it.....lolz
  8. Just remember.....the pattern in December the winter will remember.....we’ve been cutter city since that tease in November.....as much as folks here wanted to try you can’t get around this little nugget....it’s been more true more consistently than any other piece of guidance.....as much as I want to hate on it.....shit
  9. Please don't weenie me for that.....its been a while since the good old days of yore when you could drop a dumb emoticon for a reply......I'm done now....thank you drive through
  10. This whole winter went down in flames weeks ago bro......come on man
  11. Ahahahahaahahahahaha........best post of the year......I was noticing this but just couldn’t articulate it......hard to articulate when the vodka is flowing though.....lol
  12. This x1000.......this winter is the definition of a DEAD RATTER.......I thought I'd seen it but it can't come close to this POS winter......its so bad.....I don't even want whats coming on Tuesday......its just gonna end horribly and all be gone by the weekend.....then the GFS shows tainted storm after tainted storm......really? Oh wait....I should have realized we're talking about Winter 2018-19.....literally the worst DEAD RATTER in the history of DEAD RATTERS.......did I say that already? I may have....garbage winter stinks worse than my real garbage rotting in August swamp azz.....in fact I'd take that over this shite......at least a severe might be on its way to blow me down......bleck
  13. lol.....I love how every GFS model run I've checked the past few days has a screw you feature for every threat....its ridiculous and totality not surprising for this completely awful winter.....omg....JFC
  14. All you gotta do is increase that to 18” and you can capture all of SNE and into CNE....what a garbage winter.....
  15. Yay more rain......lol the “winter of yore”.....remember when that was a thing?
  16. Whatever it takes to get us clear of this god awful ratter in the history of ratters.......man.....
  17. I hate this winter so much I've refused to even shovel it.....its not even worth it......
  18. ya and yet? Here we are.....the ratter of all ratters......jfc
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