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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. There’s nothing this winter can do though to make it right despite this “nice” little treat.....shut it down
  2. We fatty..... crazy how close west Hartford got to the mix line without flipping.....Ryan said just two miles away in Newington there’s nothing on the ground.....all washed away...I’m eyeballing about 4” maybe 4.5”.....huge fatties right now
  3. Where is this melt by Ray? I need to read it
  4. Shit it down.......just shit it down......called it back in December.....literally the worst winter in the history of worst winters.....you can't make it up
  5. Violently agree about Jan 2005.....that was the first "biggy" for us after out move to West Hartford in Aug 2004 and I remember I was so pumped - we even got in on the blizzy warning late in the game......and then we got like 11".....I was like "wtf is this shit" Anyway the 2 footer that came the next winter was good and of course Feb 2013 was amazing.......Jan 2011 - the whole month - ruled......
  6. I'll change mine to melt1972 if he changes his to MELTINGICEBERG.......lolz
  8. Thats a great pic though......dang.....what is that? sea smoke or whatever with mini snow spinners? Thats so great
  9. Nothing has changed.....its still the same strung out elongated POS train of systems tracking right over SNE with this BS rain and mix........shut it down....
  10. I don’t consider this thread to be dead yet.....just wait they said....be patient....when the pattern flips it’s gonna be amazing they said......ahaahahahahaha....garbage winter....the worst winter in the history of winter.....#futilitylives
  11. The next threat looks pretty lol on GFS.....rains to maines.....I’m done with this winter.....probably the worst of the 14 winters I’ve been here.....make it stop
  12. This storm is such a POS.....
  13. Pingers on my AC equipment outside bedroom window.....can only hope that’s the worst of it.....waiting and wondering if lights out in WeHa later.....we’ll see
  14. Yep.....I did my last check of the night and it’s heavy sleet out still....that’s gonna be a bitch to move in the morning.....unknown the ZR angle.....later?
  15. Somehow I’m supposed to get my 8 yr old future San Jose Shark to a hockey game in Avon at 10:20 am tomorrow morning....mega lolz
  16. I’m still sleet here in west Hartford.....
  17. I’m not gonna get even 4”.....the pellets are here already.....granted I’m barely NCT.....I hate this storm....almost as much as Doxing Bay 2010.....Fuk that storm
  18. Still all snow here in West Hartford.....like 2” or so.....out on snowboard pants and my sorrels and shoveled the deck....pulled the genny out and a couple 5 gal tanks....fired up on one pull and then went to get my 10 gallons.....ready as I’ll ever be.....lights out later?
  19. Pixie dust falling at mt Southington CT....ya...decided to put on the snowboard tonight and take the kiddos riding.....great conditions right now
  20. Ya.....38 in downtown Hartford lol......rainer
  21. Whats the deal with WWA from BOX here? lol.......
  22. I think thats what the point was actually......
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