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Everything posted by snowfan

  1. Was able to get home from Portland, OR just in time for the storm. Awesome storm.
  2. These are great pictures. That area produces some awesome drifts. The rte 24 and Plank Rd corridors north of Stewartstown are great fun to drive after a big storm like that hits when the wind picks up. I remember PENNDOT using the v plows to clear 851 after the 1/96 blizzard. It was like driving through a snow tunnel because there was so much snow drifted over on both sides of the road.
  3. I returned from a work trip in Portland, OR the night before. I was estatic to get in before the storm hit. Best December storm I can remember.
  4. I do remember gvt agencies letting out and the roads were a disaster trying to get home.
  5. Best part about this threat......WTOP having to issue a statement stating that no tsunami threat existed.
  6. Probably true....I'll be stuck with BB, MoD and zwyts. Fun group, huh?
  7. Oh boy....I upset the masses. Sorry folks, didn't mean to upset ya'll. I'll go back to building my super ark now, which will be better than mapgirls ark.
  8. Meh.....many federal agencies let folks leave early, some schools closed already closed for tomorrow, people are sending pics of over turned trash cans to local news stations, local news stations are cutting in with special coverage of the big quake, etc. etc. I wasn't trying to say that DC is not functional...it was more directed towards the response of the pansies that live in this area.
  9. Most powerful city in the world and can't handle a 5.8 quake...pretty damn sad if you ask me. God help us all if we ever get something along the lines of a 7.0....massive damage with our crappy construction.
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