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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. Starting to slowly rip here. This should be fun! eta: I think Mt Snow (Airy) stole most of my energy. For here, it was just ok. Ah well. I’ll wait outside for our KU now.
  2. Sitting inside with my snow gear on. It needs to get here faster. I’m about to spontaneously combust. Under Armour hot gear is just that! Lol.
  3. Definitely getting my gear on now. I think central MD should have some fun with this. Will hopefully get some video.
  4. Awesomeness. Last band rocked! That’s why it was the headliner. \m/ (heavy metal hand emoji). Lol.
  5. Slowly building...the anticipation is killing me.
  6. Like a summer TStorm. I’m sitting on my front step...beer in hand duh....waiting for the last hurrah death band. Lol.
  7. Never tell me the odds on snow... It’s awesome out here!! F the LR thread. Enjoy what we are all here for in the first place! Get outside if you can.
  8. LOLz. I saw that too. Sort of like a spring afternoon when you see things in clouds! So cool. Both you and I see things in beer! We’re BFFs now. You know that right?
  9. That yellow band is on me. Legit moderate to heavy. No stickage yet. Still pretty though. Might have to crack a beer. Eta: Straight rippage right now. Grass finally getting some cover.
  10. Meh. Much lighter now. But it was a fun 5 minutes.
  11. Shnikes! Just flipped to heavy fatties. Pummeling white asteroids!!
  12. Seeing some mangled fatties starting to mix in. Definitely edging to snow...
  13. Kinda of just mixed right now. It’s leaning wintery though.
  14. Many folks will be going down with the ship. Hopeful that Gordon Lightfoot can write a new folk song. “The Wreck of the FV3”.
  15. I’ve only had 1 cup of coffee. Not ready for this type of dirty talk. Lol. If I got one lightning flash and a deep rumble of thunder during a heavy snow burst...my bar would be surpassed immediately. Fingers crossed.
  16. You should probably cliff jump now and call it a day.
  17. Some of favorite yeasts for IPAs are: London Ale III RVA Manchester Kveik California Ale French Saison San Diego Super Ale
  18. I have only homebrewed a few times, but it was on someone else’s equipment. That said, I know the other guys here brew regularly. Probably better for them to chime in. Could always just call the local home brew store and have them help as well. The one in Columbia, MD is awesome if you need one. Sorry I can’t be much more help on this aspect of the beer process. I know how to sell it, drink it and review it though! Lol.
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