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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. Probably should have gone that way. Lol. 7% W Coast IPA tasting great with breakfast though.
  2. I’m all in. LFG! U-S-A!! I’ll crack one open at here shortly. Pretend I have a smiling soccer ball emoji holding a beer.
  3. Welcome aboard the crazy train! Followed you on Twitter, but I’m basically done with that crap. Can’t wait for you to meet JI!
  4. When you say negative, do you mean @JI has become increasingly negative…or is that just the AO? Asking for a few winter weather geek friends on AmericanWX. Love the trends! Let’s keep this look long enough to cash in over and over and over. Fingers crossed.
  5. BWI - 27.3” DCA - 15.2” IAD - 31.7” RIC - 11.5” SBY - 9.8”
  6. We need to score early and often! Takes the pressure off the rest of the game. This becomes especially true when when we run into the Torchuary Doomsday Day defense.
  7. Can anyone in the DMV fathom this forecast? Imagine the pure hysteria in here…
  8. I’ll keep an eye on the Buffalo blast, but I’m too busy watching the beginning of the end of Caps season. It’s becoming unwatchable. Straight trash. Time to fire Lavi. I don’t care who the F is hurt. The team doesn’t look like they give a rats ass. And right now, nor do I.
  9. Radar got lots of pink. Nobody getting ice pellets or something frozen? I’m not here, but I’m always looking for something frozen….like a margarita.
  10. Time to stock up on the DFH 120s. December is gonna rock!
  11. I mean that looks pretty good I suppose. I’m dreaming of a white Thanksgiving? Lol. Anyway—I just hope the flip can hold on into December.
  12. Scraff

    Winter 2022-23

    I can’t believe nobody is talking about this forecast. Sign me the F up!
  13. Beers at Elder Pine must have pissed off Zeus. He’s obviously mad I didn’t invite him. Next time dude. Next time! Rain gods had to be mad too. They joined in and absolutely pummeled me for a few miles down route 100. Wipers on high was a complete and utter joke. Straight up car wash.
  14. Free water! I mean it’s better than wedges unless you’re hoping insurance gives you a new house.
  15. Unless that line builds more to the north, you and are likely a swing and miss….again.
  16. Reporting the Elkridge / Columbia line as “safe”. 5 drops of rain. Maybe 6.
  17. Great one last night. So happy for Bura! Once again, another Cap we gave up on way too early.
  18. Summer or winter, it’s still the NAM. LOL. I just want some good thunder boomers. I don’t need every damn storm to be severe, though they do tend to be what I’m looking for (and it seems like we have them all the time now). I just don’t need damaging storms (my house or anyone else’s).
  19. We should probably just cancel summer. You know winter cancel is coming soon too.
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