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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. Happy New Year to my favorite weather crew on the planet! Everyone in here rocks in their own way. Some better some worse, but I love your character regardless. Cheers to a great 2023 (that actually produces some snow)
  2. Only opened the blinds for a minute, but I’ll be back…with the blinds open and a stocked beer fridge to boot.
  3. Break out the shorts, flip flops and margarita mix?
  4. Brightening skies to the west. Booooooo. Ok so the snow is over, but I’m ready for my ice rink to form. Temp 32
  5. I got the neighborhood kids running around in their pajamas trying to catch snowflakes on their tongue. THAT is what it’s all about.
  6. Snow baby snow! Elkridge / Columbia line. Today is already a win for me.
  7. HoCo Schools just closed tomorrow! The wife is practically in tears. She’s so happy. I better be able to ice skate on my street tomorrow damn it.
  8. I should totally repost the “it’s happening” gif to wake up the ass
  9. Just saw that. Would be a miracle honestly, but I’m all chips in on that. Let’s go!!
  10. Thank god for happy hour beers. Makes the GooFuS rainstorm seem like it could be fun!
  11. I’d maybe do a comparison with the CRAS.
  12. Ehhhh? I feel a like we can do better. Anyway—night crew—bring it home! Always look forward to the highlights over coffee in the AM. Cheers peeps! Long week of tracking ahead…
  13. I got a good feeling the GFS about to go off…
  14. Who’s got the GFS PBP when we get close? I need it! ETA: But apparently I did NOT need this Rye. Oy!
  15. Who’s gonna post the JMA, the DGEX, the Deep Thunder!? I need more clown maps! It’s happy hour!!
  16. Oooooo! I want to play too!! Thanks dude. Now my mind is right and I can carry on with my day.
  17. Was hoping to see some ice surfing on the news. Meh. Stupid 70 degrees and sunny days. That place has horrible weather. Kinda of like here…
  18. Great job ESPN / The NBA Channel!! Basically missed the first one. Anyway—OVI slow down! Don’t break records in Chicago!
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