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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. I think you guys are gonna wind up only slightly below normal to normal in snowfall....gut feeling
  2. Inch to inch and a half of gloppy snow....still snowing just probably a degree too warm Congrats to those who crushed and added to their last event.
  3. Just a light coating early this morning otherwise was mostly rain with some sleet and a few wet snowflakes
  4. Half inch here, was sleeting an hour or two ago Pretty slick stuff though
  5. Quarter to half inch or so, light snow Complete surprise
  6. Today's .6 brings me to 6 inches for the season so far
  7. Nice little surprise half to three quarters of an inch down here. Looks wintry at least for a few hours
  8. A lot..that's two feet otg but how much was leftover from last Sunday?
  9. Finally a Miller B with plenty of qpf but now it's too warm...how to get this same set up with temps 20s to low 30s
  10. Holy downpour This blows, ready for normal weather Some towns in upper Midwest will have mid winter cold and dry weather follow the snowstorm for a week afterwards...amazing mid winter weather in a snap
  11. When did today turn into a soaking rain for interior southern New England? The other day I looked and it was cloudy 20 pct pops
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