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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. he is in New Jersey. no one in NE is installing, except you. an 80 degree day here or there does not prompt many to install, exspecially in April. Installation for me won't be before mid-May unless the temps are consistently hot before then, which is unlikely here in upper SNE/lower NNE
  2. 36 off a mid nite high of 45. just a lovely spring evening out there
  3. 20 FOOT base depth. some years we are lucky to have a 20" base depth around these parts.
  4. i was right at average this year (~72") over the last 5 years I averaged 61", which is ~85% of normal.
  5. C. I put a lot of weight on the pack. The pack sucked for most of the year. We had a great March, but March snows don’t help with the pack
  6. not to mention you would still need to hire a plumber to install backflow prevention
  7. I definately don't recommend DIY. it's a ton of work.
  8. yes, includes the full system. Make sure you get a smart controller, like the Rachio. it is a little more expensive, but so worth it.
  9. 15 year old kid from Boston died at Pats Peak yesterday. tragic. I skied there Friday night and conditions weren’t bad and it wasn’t icy, so I’m not sure what happened.
  10. no way will anything be more than budding in southern NNE by 4/15. Not a chance. maybe down by you, but not up here, and I’m in south central NE
  11. irrigation used to be around $75/head. And like everything you get what you pay for. a company near me gets a ton of biz because they undercut their competition by close to half. same price per head, but a lot fewer heads. The goal is to cover head to head. the cheap guy near me, the coverage is not nearly as good. With good water pressure, the heads should reach around 30’. So you want them spaced no more than 30’ apart, the closer the better, which means more heads and more $. my guess is that your system is going to come in around $5k
  12. like someone just tossed a slice of american cheese at your face
  13. come on man, that's what the neighbors bushes are for.
  14. if the ground is thawed and not saturated, have at it. Though you might have to repeat in the event of another snow/wind event. March 2012 i had my lawn raked and ready for spring on St Pats day
  15. This is silly. geese are indicative of the current weather. In no way can geese, or any other animal for that matter predict the future weather.
  16. is that really today? Jeeeez man, talk about the banana belt
  17. wild snow pack differences in my yard. front yard is sunny, and has less than 12". way back yard (500' back) is a cold spot-no sun, ~50' lower elevation, a bit swampy in parts. snow is knee deep in spots. takes forever to melt back there.
  18. i am just about average for the season, with 90% of it coming after Jan 20. horrific Dec through mid-Jan, mostly horrific Feb, March has been nuts
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