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Everything posted by TheSnowman

  1. Wait wait wait, Ray's Billerica got the Jackpot!!!! 10"
  2. Wait wait wait, Ray's Billerica got the Jackpot!!!! 10"
  3. Back to Snowing Hard again after R-! Woot! 3.5”
  4. Coastal didn’t you get like 30” in the Blizzard? & eyeballing 3" but the beautiful looking Heavy Snow is actually Sleet infused with icy crap. The NAM won sadly and shockingly. Wow. And what did I say yesterday about “IF I get 3” and it turns to sleet I’m going to using so many CAPS you’re going to all block me.”
  5. Ummmmm I’m not even opening the blinds. Back to bed. All I hear is PING PING PING! At 7:40. Oh wait… Heavy Snow! 3”.
  6. If that 18z GFP Map Verifies where Just north of me and Boston get's 10"+, NW RI gets 10", and I get 3".... There will be SO MANY Caps on my posts you guys will block me.
  7. I’m going to be heading Way up to Randolph, VT for a big FreeSledding event Saturday, so I can confidently Forecast that everything good will be in between those 2 spots. A crappy sleet and rain with 3” here in N RI, and all snow But only 3” of it in Randolph because it’stoo far north.
  8. That is Amazing Work MegaMike! Can't imagine How many hours it took JUST to come up with the plan of what you'd do, let alone go through with it. And Glad to know the Rap is better.
  9. This is the model. I don’t want to see Any Other to start time. Taking my 14”.
  10. I'm confused why the Models have gone colder and colder but everyone is saying South of the Pike, like Me in NE RI is still in a big danger zone. I feel like this is going to be the OLD CLaaaaassic I get 3"-4" and Crapola that Looks like Crapola when it's done and people at the pike get 12".
  11. Writing Down for Freezing Cold Takes….. ACTUALLY!! We need a Freezing Cold Takes Thread in here!!!! Would be hilarious!!!
  12. HOLY CRAP! Will mentioning the Only Bigger Surprise storm in my life to Super Bowl Sunday, 12/16/07!! Got 10", expected 2" and Rain. But Will, is it just COMPLETE Coincidence with the million storms you know, that 12/13/07 and 12/16/07 are similar here? Because I thought they were Completely different storms. 12/13/07 being a Classic Bombogenises 12" Quick in and out comma head Bomb with 3" per hour, and 12/16/07 being a flat SWFE type storm with only 1" per hour at most, where the R/S line just stayed south...
  13. Let's See. For the Past 2 weeks, ALL I've heard is "Winter is Over, Winter is Done, Forget chasing storms, Get great for the lawn thread, It's so gonzo, being on 50*." Over and over and over. And I JUST HAD one of the All-Time Most Memorable Snowstorms I'll never forget, ESPECIALLY since Most on this board, you Included Kevin, got Screwed on it. Makes up a TINY bit for missing out on so many Historic storms or getting Totally RI Snow Hole Screwed in other storms you guys got Big totals in from December 2020 to the 2013 Fujiwawa. And then let's go back to BEFORE the Blizzard, it was "Winter is Over, Winter is Done, Forget chasing storms, Get great for the lawn thread, It's so gonzo, being on 50*." Over and over and over. Do you guys Ever learn? Until it's May 31st..... we ALWAYS have a chance, and not Only a chance, a chance at something Historic.
  14. So HOW were you guys all over this storm when all the TV Mets on Friday night said C-1 / C-2? And they maaaybe changed to 2-4 Satisfy (which I missed because I have up on the storm like Ray). I thought you so gave up by Thursday... After you made fun of George's excitement. I mean I Literally woke up Sunday morning and had NO IDEA it was even going to snow. And I get 9.5", 26 hours of snow, Incredible fluff, 43.25" Season. AND NEARLY Jackpot! Just complete and utter Shock and Awe. If only the Bengals had Won and I Jackpotted it souks have been a Bear perfect day.
  15. Radar now exploding in Central RI to Newton. I wouldn't say Final for Anything Ray. 8.75" - We are 1.25" Away from Me calling this THE #1 SURPRISE Of My Lifetime. Surpassing 12/16/2007, where I was supposed to get 1"-2" and then Changeover to Rain and RUIN the Incredible "Poor Man's Blizzard of 1978" Bombogenesis 12" Storm of 12/13/07 where I skipped a Final Exam to get on the train at Back Bay to come home (since they said the train would be Full at Ruggles so go a stop earlier, and they were right, I would have been Stuck in Boston!). Instead, I got 10" and Added to that 12" pack. Then we got a 3rd Storm days later to add to Those! Will can remember the details well I'm sure.
  16. The Radar is Exploding from Rehoboth, MA Outward. This is Nuts.
  17. This is now 2ND PLACE to 12/16/2007 in terms of SUPRISES!! I Thought the Forecast was C-2!! I'm at 8"!! Incredibly Fluffy GORGOUS Snow!!
  18. Judging by the conversation, as I wait to get off the plane Back for the first time in 3 weeks, it SEEMS there are No threats at all.... Outside of this GOD AWFUL Rain & Fog right now out the window Melting the Snow!!
  19. To My: Sharon - 30" Foxboro - 24" (As Always it seems) Boston - 24"! Flipping Attleboro next town over had a Report of - 22"! Burrillville which is All WEST of me - 21" And ALL I get it seems 17" Total?? Don't get to mark off a 20" Storm? Don't get only the 9th Ever recited 24" storm? I mean NO town in the bottom 2/3 of the State had Less than me! What a Screw Hole. Thank. God. I didn't come home. I would have been Losing my crap. And for the 1ST TIME EVER in a Major Event, Freaking Hell on Earth Itself, the PVD Airport Measurement, beat me!! 19"! Will end up as my 13th Biggest storm since the 1992-1993 Great Snow Era Began. Not bad. But Not that big of a deal. I continue to not understand why 1/3 of the board, and our text thread, loves to say things like this when I state Facts, and instead of Debating my facts, it's just a non answer like "You have Issues" that everyone jumps on.
  20. HOW has NO ONE ever talked about THIS Data?? We need this at the End of EVERY storm.... and During! It SO shows how people got screwed. It is clear and obvious in this WHY I am not mad I didn't fly in for this storm, and WHY I got 18 when people left and right of me got the golden numbers of 20+/24+/30+. Can we please ALWAYS bring this data up? Fantastic Stuff.
  21. This is why I'm So sure My town of Cumberland actually jackpotted with 50", and was an Omen for why I live there lol. If Woonsocket Surely got ~38"-40" as everyone believes, I can tell you that 99/100 Times, Cumberland Beats Woonsocket. It's all Woods vs. City, Closer to the storm, and is 200 Feet higher. AND the kicker - Tbose measurements were done WITHOUT the 6 Hour rule. In THAT STORM? You definitely lose 15% of compaction. If Woonsocket got 38-41, Cumberland gets 42/43..... which in how we measure? That's 50".
  22. Sharon - 30" Foxboro - 24" (As Always it seems) Boston - 24"! Flipping Attleboro next town over had a Report of - 22"! Burrellville which is All WEST of me - 21" And ALL I get it seems 17" Total?? Don't get to mark off a 20" Storm? Don't get only the 9th Ever recited 24" storm? I mean NO town in the upset 2/3 of the State had Less than me! What a Screw Hole. Thank. God. I didn't come home. I would have been Losing my crap. And for the 1ST TIME EVER in a Major Event, Freaking Hell on Earth Itself, the PVD Airport Measurement, beat me!! 19"! Will end up as my 14th Biggest storm since the 1992-1993 Great Snow Era Began. Not bad. But Not that big of a deal.
  23. Missing the Buzzsaw 2011 Storm, February 2017, March 2018, and going nuts to come BACK from Europe for March 2017 Debacle are FAR FAR worse than missing this mini-Blizzard. I nearly got up out of bed from the Florida Keys with a girl, drove 3 hours to Miami, got a plane back and had the girl want to rip my balls off to catch March 2018... and I'm Still pissed I didn't. Missing This was Nothing.
  24. Blew What Call??? I said All week, even with the Changes, 12-18. Whole time. And I Nailed it. Got 16.25. Was not worth coming in Mainly because I would have been Fing Furious with the death band PIVOTING JUST within 5 miles of me. Ray Nailed his First prediction for me AND 2nd Call. He's still the Best. Pete Bouchard had some right aspects but was too high. Harvey was basically correct with the 24+ area just needing to be 20+ and 10 miles over missing me.
  25. Ya, exactly. 12-16. If it wasn't going to be 20-40 I wasn't coming home.
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