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Everything posted by norcarolinian

  1. If the plane makes it into GSO fine on Thursday night, then pretty good odds it will leave on Friday morning.
  2. Just got in from a short drive/walk to my folks... freezing drizzle now with a few sleet pellets mixed in. Estimate 4-5" snow/sleet on the ground. Have warmed up to 24.3 degrees.
  3. 4” snow/sleet. Still pouring sleet and wind is roaring. 21.2°
  4. 2” snow. 1” sleet. Sleeting heavily at 19 degrees
  5. 30.6/27.1. Freezing drizzle. 0.10” ice so far
  6. Check Weather Underground and see if there is a PWS near you
  7. Power is out. Trees breaking. Awfully close to 0.25” ice here. 31 degrees
  8. I use this one a lot... https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=FCX-N0Q-0-24-100-usa-rad# But it still gets old switching between FCX, RAX, and GSP
  9. Something is falling. Normally I would say snow flurries but I know that can't be true. Ice rain? Grauple-like chunks? Snow? Don't know what to call it. Very weird. man i wish the Triad/ CLT had its own radar. or at least a GSO-TDWR
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