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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. 72/63 //deep blue skies with Scat Cu moving rapidly south. Vis is excellent. Nice north breeze. It's coming south boyz....
  2. Seems like the front just came through here. Temps and dews falling nicely. Breeze picked up. AC off and coolness flowing through the house. Cloudy with light sprinkles right now. Last night dying convection gave me a quick .04"
  3. Down to 96.1F. So today's 98.6F might be it. Another question. Are high temps rounded? For instance if a high is recorded higher than a .5F is it rounded up? Would today's 98.6F be a 99F? It would make sense if 1/10ths are rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.
  4. Nice to feel the lower dews. Quick showers moved through the lakes region of NH late afternoon. Sun rays, rainbows et al https://video.nest.com/clip/ed24bc7488f04b1091d4f8c12e1360cd.mp4
  5. Main shield now east 1.02". Great soaking rain. After the rain of the past week I think finally rain water is now getting deep in the soil instead of so many .15 and .30" type stuff that just barely soaks in more than a few inches if that. Very happy camper today. Trees and shrubs are going to be happy.
  6. Big storm for me. .96" and still a bit more rain to go. This is now my 2nd biggest rain event in over 4 months. Only July's 23 1.37" is bigger. Finally clawing out of the rainfall deficit. Everything is turning lush green and my pond now has a bonified puddle on the bottom.
  7. Here is a map of rainfall departures from normal over the past 90 days. Really interesting. Dry in NNE. A very sharp dividing line in CNE with a swath of excessive rainfall just south of me. Then it gets dry SE of the Boston area. Southern VT, NH, Conn and Central Mass just got hammered with Tstorm after Tstorm this summer.
  8. Not exactly a lawn post but frickin deer.. I didn't think my peach tree would bare fruit this year after that wicked cold spell in early January. It did. Had about 75 peaches on the tree. Last week they were weighing down the tree and I just went to check as they should have been about ripe. Not one peach. Only pits on the ground. I have watched the deer stand on their hind legs to get our apples but they sure stripped this tree clean. Didn't leave even one on the upper branches.
  9. I guess we are really lucky the Atlantic basin has been so quiet this season so far. With the semi-persistent WAR tropical systems would be steered towards the east coast adding to the extreme rainfall amounts. Watching Lane for my friends on the Big Island of Hawaii.
  10. Winter is coming... yesterday the Big Island of Hawaii had severe thunderstorms. Up at the summit of Mauna Loa (13800) they got some snow. I was watching the facebook page. Some people thought it was hail but it was confirmed as snow. Meanwhile down at the ocean level some places reached over 90F The Kilaeau eruption looks like it has come to an end. They missed a bullet last week with Hurricane Hector but now they have to watch Hurricane Lane. It's moving WNW but may get to the end of the subtropical ridge and make a hard north turn towards the Hawaiian Islands.
  11. BZ, I know you have been in a rainfall hole like me. How much have you got since May 1rst? I'm at exactly 10". Doing better this month. At 2.68" after last nights .65"
  12. Most of you "youngsters" wouldn't remember but in 1980 about 5 days after Mt St Helens erupted the smoke moved across the country. I was living in Boston. The sky was very smoky but had a very eerie reddish tint. Everyone was talking about it.
  13. yeah, I posted the GOES image in another thread. Major smoke in the midwest. Some vis down to 2 miles.
  14. .65" from last night's T storms. Take a look at this morning GOES. Cold front coming through New England. Look at all that smoke in the midwest and Canada. We have been in a SW flow but as the winds come around west or northwest it could get very smoky, at least above the surface.
  15. Looks like it's almost over. .45" over the past 90 minutes. Congrats Brian for your foot of rain the past month. You must be close after tonight
  16. Thunderstorm now with heavy rain. .34" and counting
  17. Just made this 30 minute timelapse. As you can see lots of lightning (and cars coming up my road). Vis remains good with just some light rain. https://video.nest.com/clip/7fbcd70190404857939a5f13b556593e.mp4
  18. Thunderstorm fell apart as it approached. Now past east. .10" but more rain to the west.
  19. I just saw KBRI and thought you were putting an ASOS here in Bridgewater NH
  20. Looks like the first direct T storm of the season about to hit. Just counted 22 flashes in the past minute, all quads. Strong storm to my SW. Don't see how Im going to escape this one. Rain gauge ready and waiting...
  21. The headline of this summer should be the humidity. Local rainfalls were impressive in some areas as well as the earlier heat wave. Once we are all said and done I think it will be the relentless dewpoints. Reinforces why I moved away from Baltimore.
  22. That's interesting Brian. I just posted my dew is 65F. Im exactly 5 miles south of 1P1. I know that because when I fly my drone I always get a warning if I go just a few hundred feet north of my house. Looking forward to dews crashing over the next hour.
  23. Cleaner, drier air now moving through C NH. Vis is getting better, very hazy S horizen but dark blues to north. 77/65F so dew is down a couple in past hour. Even 65F dew feels drier.
  24. Zero storms for me. This has got to be some type of record. Lots of distant lightning/thunder, mostly all to my immediate south. Wonder what is the technical definition of a thunderstorm is? If you see a lightning strike or hear thunder several miles away while you get light rain is that considered a thunderstorm? If it is then my count is much higher.
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