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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. Yep a lot of mix and rain... even up to the M/D Line
  2. Drive that Low 50 miles SE and a lot of people would be happy
  3. Someone did mention it the other night... saying it need to slow down or enter the WC at a higher latitude.
  4. The good old WSW and Flood Flash Watch... just two counties apart.
  5. I grew up there... in these types of storms... it can be nice... but nothing like Westminster on north. 14 miles and elevation makes a huge difference there.
  6. Yep but a couple more moves like that and you won't.
  7. It is not nearly as good as the 6z... you could see that early on the H5 maps.
  8. yep... you could see it early on with the H5 map and the heights be higher
  9. I already do not like this run based on the H5 map at 36
  10. I thought the H5 was a huge improvement on the 12z NAM
  11. Can we move the complaining and banter to the banter thread?
  12. No. I thought about moving to Hanover or York for this reason alone.
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