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Posts posted by mississaugasnow

  1. 5 hours ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    Yeah, I've heard the same thing about the testing.  Interesting in the news conference, Dr. Donnelly stated the projections were based only on confirmed cases.  We know that the actual cases are probably at least 5-10x the reported ones, but he seemed to reject that that has any bearing on the accuracy of the projections.  They're the experts, so I guess I'll defer to them.

    Yeah, I heard about that in Brampton.  The $100,000 fine is the maximum prescribed by the statute.  It'll be in the hands of a judge to actually impose that sentence; likely it will much less.  That being said, some of these idiots removing barricades to access the park parking lots should get that fine, and maybe a couple of wacks by the cop's batons.  Complete idiots.

    I was supposed to go back to work on Monday.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'm going to be getting an email shortly saying that's not the case.  lol.

    That update today ended my construction work. Have to say im relieved as watching those numbers rise and no change to the list was a bit scary. Currently were planning for a 2 week shutdown but expecting it to last all of April. 

  2. 1 hour ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    Ford said the list is amendable but obviously there was some consideration into at least keeping a portion of the economy going.  I feel bad for you...my brother's in the same boat.  Back and forth with the truck drivers dropping off supplies, exchanging documents...it's a risk.

    Meanwhile, white collar govt worker like myself is sitting on my ass getting paid.  There's definitely an inequity.

    It sucks, but I want to thank everyone that works in legit essential services. Doctors, nurses, to grocery store employees- gas stations attendants. I might have to deal with a couple individuals on sites but those people are the ones allowing us to have some sense of society during this. 

    • Like 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    His posts are so conspicuous that it did cross my mind that it's a troll-job.

    If trolling was the intent, good job RogueWaves.  I took the bait.

    Big jump today in Ontario with 351 new cases. I work in construction and the rumor mill is ablaze right now with when/if we will be shut down. Some companies have suspended operations while others havent, creating scheduling nightmares. The essential services list actually muddied the waters instead of making it clearer.


    Edit* Ill chime in on Rogue lol, hes clearly reading some website (or twitter) that is stating these as facts and he isnt looking for secondary sources to support any of these claims. 

  4. 5 hours ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    How does that make the U.S. more to the left?  By funneling the money through E.I. and other indirect programs, it's a way for the government to means/needs test it.  Otherwise, potentially, you'd get wealthier people who don't need the money getting gov't assistance.

    The US is skipping that and giving it to every citizen. The Bill is stuck in the Senate but most indications are most Americans are going to get 1 Thousand. Depending how long it goes for they are almost experimenting on a large scale with Universal Basic Income. 

    Lots of people that haven't lost their jobs have indicated they will donate the money but will be interesting to see. 

    I believe this 1 thousand will be different from EI and other indirect programs they are doing as well. I might be wrong on that though. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, Snowstorms said:

    Schools depend on the province. For now schools in Ontario are closed until April 6th. Universities and colleges have moved the remainder of the semester online. I'm not sure about final exams though. I haven't heard anything about $950 every two weeks lol. Canadians are eligible to apply for EI (employment insurance) if they've been laid off or if they're in self isolation. The waiting period has been waived. The mortgage part is true but there's some controversy going on as the banks are being difficult about it. Canadians with federal student loans are getting a break on loan and interest payments for the next 6 months. They've also announced property tax deferrals but that's based upon on each municipality’s discretion. They've also temporarily suspended rental evictions to those who can't pay their monthly rent.


    I havent heard anything about the $950 either per family for 15 weeks. EI easier to get ive heard and that makes sense since Canada just had 500K file for unemployment. In a weird way the US is more to the left of us politically as no politician in power here has floated the idea of just giving Canadians money. 

    To limit the spread of false information which is running rampant these days. Here is a link to the official Canadian government response as of today. This is subject to change*


    • Like 1
  6. Im cautiously optimistic Canada will escape this. Most of our cases are imported and with the light lockdown in place I find it hard to believe Ontario will follow NYS. Though I heard on a local tv news program that 500K Ontarians will be arriving back in Ontario in the next few days from the US/World. All it takes is a few clusters and Ontario loses control as well. 

    Hope everyone stays safe.  

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, wolfie09 said:

    Euro was decent fwiw..


    prateptype_cat_ecmwf.us_ne (80).png

    sn10_024h.us_ne (27).png

    I can tell ive switched to spring mode now. 2 weeks ago in the Hamilton region I would be looking at that map hoping it trends a bit further south to get us fully in the 6-8" range. Now I want it to trend north so im in the sloppy 1-3" range or nothing at all. It took 3 days to fully melt all the snow aside from parking lot piles, dont want another 8" which will waste another 3-4 days of warmer weather just to melt. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, michsnowfreak said:

    Upper 40 temps and dews and a compact area of heavy rain moved through this morning, absolutely nuked the snow down to just piles and drifts.

    Looking at the next two weeks and I wonder how far north the snowpack disappears. Buffalo took out the ice booms around the city, 2nd earliest removal on record. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, snowcaine said:

    I ended up with 6" on the nose here in midtown Toronto on my snowboard, seems to line up nicely with other reports in the area. 

    Chance for a glancing snow squall sideswiping us tomorrow, but I am not expecting anything too exciting. The gusts this morning have been impressive though, some snow blowing around off buildings.

    Im more concerned for whiteouts from quick hitting squalls. The extra 1-2cm will be a nice stat padder but its more dangerous how that 1-2cm falls in 10-15 minutes as the squall passes thru. 

    • Weenie 1
  10. Times like this is why Im happy GTA isnt in the snow belts and we get significantly less snow than you guys. You guys are pissed and rightfully so but some areas are going to get clobbered I think. 

    I couldnt imagine how hard it would be to forecast snowsqualls for the GTA. Theres 8 million people between Hamilton-Oshawa at a distance of about 100 miles. Trying to tell 2 million people your under blizzard warnings, 2 million winter storm amounts, 2 million people nusiance snow and 2 million see nothing. The city and snow lovers on this forum would be livid haha. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, CheeselandSkies said:

    Slightly OT but it always used to weird me out when Toronto posters would talk about getting rainers. I always thought of Canada as this place way far to the north that's inevitably colder and snowier than us. I have to remember Toronto is only a few degrees of latitude north of me.

    haha your not alone. At least you live in Wisconsin so not a lot of interaction with Canada. Meeting people at Bills game and they ask how we handle the cold and snow and that they could never live in Canada because of that. The GTA is only 45 minutes across the border and Buffalo is right on the border so its not like theres a game of thrones type wall and were wildlings (way off topic now haha) 

    • Haha 2
  12. 17 minutes ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    i can dig it.  Seeing where we were, i doubt anyone will be complaining. 

    I fully lied earlier. I said I didnt want a 2-4" sloppy mess but I mean if its coming I might as well get a bit excited. The Nam and GFS were hilarious to look at, spitting out 30-50cm GTA-Hamilton wide. 

    Heading up to Haliburton this weekend so hoping the squalls arent that bad along the 400. Though all indications are they could be. 



  13. This season has been great on the snowfall aspect for us here in the GTA but I can tell im over winter when I dont really want another 1-3" or 2-4" either drop a widespread 8-12" or rain. Im itching for spring 50s and sun which in this area starts rearing its head in the next few weeks. I get the same feeling in late August where im tired of the 80s and want the first cool 60-70s and the 40s at night which almost always happens first couple weeks of September 

    • Like 1
  14. what went from a nice 3-5" storm down to 2-4" and now the GTA will be lucky if we get 1". 

    Toronto is almost at average snowfall for a full season (4" away) and its only February 12th. No concern about missing that. 


    One more mediocre 3-5" storm and then lets have Morch 2012 come back for March this year haha.  

    • Like 1
  15. 54 minutes ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    I think north is an issue too.  That lobe swinging around the base of the PV near Hudson Bay is too progressive. If it retrograded, or was even just slower progressing, it might have given the southern wave a chance to go neutral and amplify the sfc low.  Instead it just speeds off and washes everything to its south away too.

    If only we could draw these maps.

    Living just south of Hamilton will allow me a greater chance to sneak in a slightly better snowfall. We still have snow on the 95% of the ground so even 5cm to refresh the snow pack before -20C temperatures comes helps. 

    How much of the ground is covered in Toronto? 

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