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Everything posted by amarshall

  1. How do you think the conditions will be saturday. Hoping 2 days of grooming will soften up a freeze after a rainstorm.
  2. We need the rain and wind on the cape to melt the sea ice. Pain in the ass to harvest oysters.
  3. One of my employees stuck too. He was headed for chicago and was diverted to Detroit
  4. Couldn't make it up skiing this weekend. Now we'll get a rainer. That will freeze. Next weekend will suck when I can go.
  5. Pounding in duxbury trees caked 32.0f Sent from my QTASUN1 using Tapatalk
  6. biggest event of the winter so far.
  7. feeling sick for Wed/Thursday already. A lot of ropes will get dropped.
  8. Couple of flakes. Big jackpot this year on the south shore.
  9. Could be worse, could be my oyster growers on the Damariscotta River this morning. Getting wet sinking cages before the ice envelopes them.
  10. Cars off the road everywhere Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  11. Cape cod is a skating rink from plymouth to hyannis. Quick coating and untreated roads. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  12. Cancelling high school football games due to cold is why we've lost.
  13. Falmouth mass had 2" got up to Duxbury and a coating Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  14. 42 Vineyard haven sloppy wet slush for about 2 minutes then rain. Cold day deer hunting Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  15. Interesting read on how the california fires started and how it relates to the wind in the area. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-13/why-did-catastrophic-camp-fire-start-where-it-did
  16. Hunted this morning for 6 hrs in the stand for deer nada. Duck hunting will be phenomenal saturday ahead of the storm. They'll move.
  17. Ikon passes arrived yesterday. Wooohoo
  18. Thats about 60 miles from Falmouth but I suppose not out of the realm of possibility
  19. The state just preemptively closed some of the shellfish beds for extreme rain on Cape Cod tonight. Is there something I'm missing? Our threshold is 5" of rain in 24 hrs to prompt a closure.
  20. Hiked Washington Saturday. First time. Summitted in 3 hrs. Coming down was a b**ch. Stayed at the Mount Washington resort. Holy sh1t its nice. Went on a small hike up behind the resort and it looks like a tornado hit in the hills. Definitely looked more substantial than logging Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  21. We're staying at the Mount Washington this weekend. Trying to hike Washington Friday/Saturday. What will the cloud cover be like?
  22. So that grass is toast? Reseed and call it a day Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  23. Lets just say that water bans are not enforced in my town and we had the mojave desert climate. It got a ton of water.
  24. I pay for a service that treats for it. I'll go out and do some test holes. If there are grubs I'm going to be pissed. The grass doesn't pull away like grub damage has occurred. There is irrigation there. As you can see from the line in the grass it's getting plenty of water.
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