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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. Since this thread was started the weather has been quite nice.
  2. Let us know how it works, I'm thinking of ordering some myself.
  3. We've lost 20 minutes from our longest day and going down every day.
  4. Put the kid, Tanner Houck in the rotation and hope Sale comes back to what he was.
  5. Worcester restaurant week this week til the 14th.
  6. Was supposed to go to Woosox game tonight but doesn't look that great to get the games in.
  7. It was blah here but pretty good in other places. Depends where you are.
  8. Dogs under the desk, Tstorms must be close.
  9. Mine was a little different, I don't blame you for doing what you did no matter the cost. In my case the registry messed up and no one took the blame. The $18 or whatever it was, was worth it to make it go away.
  10. I went through the same crap as BZ, it was only like $20 so I paid it so it would just go away.
  11. A friend of mine had a leak in his pool and used flex tape, worked like a charm.
  12. Between my hip and rod in my back its a PIA every time I fly, I used to have to do everything but take my pants off, now they have those phone booth looking things that go quicker.
  13. Looks like the hardware I have to build my firewood shelter.
  14. It's insane the number of lawyers willing to do it.
  15. Just had some local corn the other day, it was pretty good butter and sugar, the best corn comes out in later August, it's mirah, very sweet, better than silver queen.
  16. Crazy 10th, never seen 4 wild p[itches in 1/3 of an inning, I missed the base running miscue, lost the feed on my tv, what happened?
  17. Nice downpour at Fenway, the umps waited til it was almost done to tarp the field.
  18. They got us pretty good at the golf course yesterday, first time this year we've been bugged by bugs. I assume mosquito's are next.
  19. I was looking at another brand, let us know how it goes with yours, my lawn needs a dethatching badly and seeding.
  20. Is that your boat in all these pics?
  21. Saw an albino turkey with two small albinos with it, should have taken a pic.
  22. Any of you guys getting tons of mortgage guys cold calling trying to get you to refi, if I don't get two a day it's a slow day.
  23. I was striking the ball well tonight but had two bad holes, mostly pars couple bogeys and two "others", missed two failrly easy birdie putts, need to play more to get more consistent but weather was beautiful for golf today.
  24. I went fishing on Lake Ontario last month, the captain bought a F2150 Ford and they offered him 10K more than he paid for it a few months ago. Like he said, then what do I but so he refused.
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