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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. Same here, don't like milk, never drank it even when I was a kid, I like yogurt and have a little red meat now and then. Mostly fish and chicken for meat. My wife's really into eating healthy so I am by association.
  2. It's admirable what you do but you can still get good exercise not getting up at 4:30 am and a slice of pizza every now and then won't kill you.
  3. I've had pigs feet, lambs tongue, frog legs but I draw the line somewhere.
  4. Pretty sure I won't try the haggis, I'm italian and I used to work at a restaurant that had tripe on the menu, never tried it and never will.
  5. Same thing with me, the Doc called it something else but that's what it is.
  6. We plan on going to in a year or two, we've been to England a couple times, want to see Ireland and Scotland, maybe Wales if there's time.
  7. Same here, my sister comes close so I look forward to that when I visit her in Maine.
  8. Sox have control of his contract for two more years
  9. Damn, so close, that would have cost you some money if the clubhouse was full. I'd gladly dish out $200-300 in drinks for a hole in one.
  10. I thought that was we all root for in winter, deep snow and cold.
  11. I used to work for a guy that battled it for a few years and never told anyone, we didn't find out til the end, you would have never known he was sick all that time, tough dude.
  12. Had one in my yard and also saw one in Ware, MA pretty close up, they are great to look at. TRied to get a pic but when I slowly grabbed my camera it took off.
  13. That's very good, some depends on the course you play some easier than others but overall very good.
  14. Feels chilly down here tonight too, definately fall like.
  15. Same thing happened to me a couple years ago, my dogs were outside making a racket and they were surrounding this big ass snapping turtle, nearest pond is a mile and half from me, decision was either to make turtle soup, my fathers idea, or bring it up to the pond and set it free, I chose option 2, wasn't in the mood to try turtle soup even though my father says it's good.
  16. Rain, sun, rain, sun you won't even have to water.
  17. Sun Joe 13 in. 12 Amp Electric Scarifier + Lawn Dethatcher with Collection Bag-AJ801E - The Home Depot I have one I pull behind my trractor. Looks like this Brinly-Hardy 40 in. Tow-Behind Dethatcher-DT-40BH - The Home Depot
  18. My peached are the biggest I've ever seen, I'll have to try one see how the flavor is.
  19. You're more east so you head the higher amounts, I was always getting a little less than you guys, the office in Westborough had a really deep pack.
  20. I think I had my deepest pack that year, too bad we had the melt but my driveway piles would have made Kevin envious.
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