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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. No cold air = increasing chances of a ratter wall to wall.
  2. I live 45 mins north of NYC. 4 yrs ago, I used to have a camp in Old Forge, but it got crowded and dangerous, so I moved to Perkinsille, VT. Figured I could or trailer or ride from there. No snow and my son’s schedule limiting everything, we bailed after 1 season. I’ve had sleds for 20 yrs, not including when I was a kid. I am not missing it at all.
  3. I sold my sleds trailer and camp 2 yrs ago. Best decision I made in a long time.
  4. I am seeing punts everywhere. No scoring, just punts out of FG range. We could have a pattern flip for a couple weeks late Jan early feb garbage time, then back to warm.
  5. Wtf you talking about? You get 5 days of trough ahead of it
  6. Right where we want it, in the old days anyway.
  7. Theres no real cold on our side of the earth. How that changes or when is unclear to me. I see the 300 hr maps and all but those are theoretical. Nothing really convincing is developing.
  8. Help me out here: Big trough in the east going into January should be a cold in the east. Good snow producing pattern. That's what I expect to see. But when I look at the surface, it's warm at the coast, and not particularly cold inland. Probably mid-day temps at the coast in the 40s. Weak sauce cold air source in Canada is the culprit no?
  9. You heard the man! To the New England Forum!!!!
  10. In 2023, during massive El Niño fueled winter storms, South American ski resorts were hammered with record breaking snow and a ski season extending into November. Resorts such as Las Leñas in Argentina and Hotel Portillo in Chile reported a series of snow storms dropping upwards of 8-14 feet of snow per event. Hope never lets us down.
  11. Agree. 1 snowy month, if things go right. Canada is not cold. Hard to get snow in a +3 degree temp anomaly in these parts as December demonstrates. When will the cold cycle down from Canada is anyones guess and yes I know its modeled in the LR but lets get it inside the mid range at least.
  12. I see you are on fire in this thread...but...bh. The bold there. How can that be? Shall I just fade all of the LR forecasts and be right more than wrong? That is what success would look like. Not much of a forecast if it's worse than a coin flip. A lot of people in here are disbelievers in the LR forecasts and models until they see the whites of the snowflakes. I myself am coming around to the year-end changes but my faith in anything past day 10 is very limited for good reason, and that may be that you are somewhat correct: Long range is more often wrong than right. So, in that case, the skeptics are on the right side of the trade, no? That would be rational.
  13. They should have switched to solar. Those poor people.
  14. Punt type winter in the offing until I see something inside of 10. Right now it appears to be outside the 20.
  15. Keep rolling and there are 2 more. No sign of winter on the op run. Tenor of the season I’m afraid.
  16. We are already seeing can kicking. It seems like once that starts, it persists. We are already talking a month push back on any favorable pattern. Yeah, then it's Spring, or supposed to be, when the PV splits.
  17. Totally. Its like rooting for a bad football team early in the season and thinking this is the year if….and then the season depends on a heap of ifs and buts and thats as good as ever gets.
  18. Public schools strike again. Damn.
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