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Lava Rock

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Everything posted by Lava Rock

  1. Only had 4" all of Dec 2018. That really was a bad month
  2. 11.5" final. Last 4.5" was a pita to snowblow
  3. I think the masses are going to to hit the trails hard this wknd, ready or not. I really want to go, but we need more snow then this to get trails really ready. Rangeley/Jackman will be beat to piss by saturday noon. And they've only received 4" so far.
  4. Regardless, your 8-12" call early yesterday was solid for our area.
  5. Heard Local met say the cold air to the north kept feeding south, producing precip.
  6. Thought it would be rain by the time I got to work on riverside, but still SN and 30F. Must be rn right on the water
  7. Earlier, around 630, but brief
  8. Rangeley/Jackman in a snow hole
  9. Must have had my eyes glued to the phone and missed it. Lt/mod atm
  10. I've been fairly well behaved thus far this season
  11. Had a brief lull, but coming down mod now
  12. Big fat flakes dropping. 6.25" so far
  13. glad I snowblow'd once this morning. Looks like tomorrow morning or after work I'll hit it again.
  14. you still don't have any sn falling? Radar looks ok up there. Is it all virga?
  15. When's the redevop occurring cause that dry slot is heading our way
  16. keep that nasty warm tongue away
  17. That's great. I measured 3" this morning before I left for work. Looking at driveway cam at home, we might have picked up another 2-3"
  18. still feeling good about 6-8" for GYX area tonight?
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