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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. And that's here. Cities like Cleveland, Detroit, Indy would see a 9am or later sunrise. I just don't see that happening. Interestingly we did do year round DST for one year in 73-74. Any guesses as to why it was only for a year?
  2. It's fine but put it in banter. A day 8 OP run is mostly worthless.
  3. Yep-I guarantee the usual suspects will come out with the same ol cold/snowy winter forecast next October....
  4. Stop. You are making yourself look really silly with these fantasy OP model runs 8 days out.
  5. yeah dud winters rarely suddenly flip to cold/snowy for a month...
  6. Nothing beats shoveling virtual snow. Haven't people figured out these maps are horrid?
  7. One of the worst longer terms bust I can remember. But we did spend the winter in general chasing ghosts...nothing more than a a week ever showed up.
  8. I think Standard Time has the best chance of passing. House never took up permanent DST due to the morning issues.
  9. The 2nd part is true-it doesn't save any costs on electricity. The first part is a problem you'd have 8:20 sunrises here and 9:20am in the western ends of each time zone in Dec-Jan. Not happening.
  10. Even JB finally tossed in the towel....MJO wins
  11. Let's be honest-no one can even guestimate right now about next year let alone the next few.
  12. What a day-into the mid 60's here with full sun...people out everywhere even some restaurants serving lunch outdoors...upstairs of my house is actually too warm from the heat building-crazy for 3/3
  13. Overnight runs very wet for the next week-CMC the wettest but others are very wet as well
  14. Seattle might have the better climate lol
  15. March is the worst month around here IMO. Still winter but not spring, generally too warm for snow but too early for things to green up.
  16. Not cold enough in mid March with no arctic air and MJO 4-5-6-7
  17. I want to get out again but guessing it won't be that great...on the plus side won't be crowded as many start to give up.
  18. You're missing arctic air-most of the coast's biggest storms have an arctic outbreak ahead of them...even March 1998 had that. Marginal cold will cut it in Jan/Feb but not March.
  19. Regardless, you'll need to be inland and elevated from here on out...
  20. That low will end up over Buffalo after the next 8 days
  21. Torchy in the same ol spots....road trip to Colorado?
  22. back to last fall's weekend rainouts...
  23. It's amazing. How long have some of these people been following weather yet you still see the same ol posts every year....
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