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Everything posted by Winterweatherlover

  1. CMC trends to GFS with the storm next weekend, surpressed to the south. Still a lonnnng way to go but would not surprise me at all if we somehow find a way to get rain from one storm and miss another.
  2. Meanwhile the CMC has rain on Wed with ice just north of the city.
  3. I mean it's not the worst place to live for snow or we'd get less than DC...... lol I agree NYC/LI is pretty heavily dependent on coastals though.
  4. I'm not sure if I'd be more upset with another cutter or a southern slider. I'm sick and tired of cutters but getting blanked while places to the south get snow also feels pretty bad.
  5. This is the best chance but far from a given. Need that southeast ridge to pump a bit but not too hard lol.
  6. So the GGEM is congrats Great Lakes Region The Euro is congrats us The GFS is congrats Southern Virginia and North Carolina Next weeks storm should be interesting.
  7. Agree I think 49ers are the most complete team in football but we’ve never seen Purdy in a spot like this on the road, I wouldn’t touch either of the games this weekend from a betting standpoint.
  8. I think the chiefs will play with a chip on their shoulder, bengals are really great but chiefs underdog at arrowhead is interesting.
  9. Yea probably but so what, they had no expectations coming into the season.
  10. Fair point. I’d rather get a few inches pure snow than snow that changes to slop or rain.
  11. 7 would be a run of the mill bad winter for nyc lol
  12. I might be wrong here but wouldn't we maybe want the weaker mid week wave to stay to our south and reinforce the cold air for the bigger storm? I guess alternatively though looking at gefs ensembles that wave could become a bigger storm.
  13. That one seems pretty weak but would be nice to finally end the drought. Also a lot can change next week but right now seems like some weak waves and then a bigger storm late week/over the weekend.
  14. Euro looks great for next weekend, only 9 days away lol.
  15. I think your thinking is right here. I always feel more optimistic when I see storms to the south of us in this range than when they are north of us. It doesn't mean they will work out, sometimes they end up actually suppressed or could still trend well north like the 12Z GGEM but theres at least a chance.
  16. Seeing snow show up to our south on the models is def a refreshing site.
  17. Cmc/gfs both look better for late next week.
  18. Next week and a half or so could be interesting but if it doesn't produce it might be time to move on to spring.
  19. This cutter means business, went from 35 to 50 in about 6 hours.
  20. It would be and it could happen but more likely than not the way this winter is going that will shift northwest.
  21. Tiny tiny bit of stickage on the coldest of surfaces, baby steps.
  22. Down to 37 and ripping snow, another degree drop and might actually get something on car tops/grass.
  23. The rain/snow line looks to be maybe the east river? The white rain vs accumulating snow line looks a little NW of the tappan zee?
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