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Everything posted by 78Blizzard

  1. Here's a 13 day GEFS that was pretty much right on the money. Funny how that seems to work for torches.
  2. About all this shop owner can do is wait for a thaw:
  3. If you're talking about the GFS, forget it. We know how their 8-day threats have turned out lately, let alone a 10-day threat.
  4. Yeah, it will give me a chance to get the rest of the leaves that blew in here last week from neighbors who were too lazy to pick them up in November.
  5. Looks like we're dead in the water here at least through mid January.
  6. I never saw any news articles saying Biden closed all the fossil plants in Texas. There are always extremist sites that will put out this bs, but most people ignore those sites.
  7. Yeah, the Interior Department is giving money to Native American tribes to help them relocate away from areas that are vulnerable to climate change, potentially creating a model for other communities around the country. I want some money for my area that the awful climate change has kept snowstorms away from lately.
  8. After reading this in the second sentence of the article I stopped reading: "According to NASA, 2022 was one of the hottest years ever recorded on Earth." Given the short history of recorded temperatures on earth, this was meant to scare people about the global warming craze. Considering the source, "Wired", I'm not surprised.
  9. It looks more and more like the only places in SNE that will have an official white Christmas will be ACK and possibly MVY thanks to OE following the storm.
  10. For the Midwest and Plains, let’s see how those windmills without "cold weather packages" and solar panels work now…
  11. This looks more like a threat to spoil a nice day at the beach in Bermuda.
  12. As I've said before, you and others had no problem railing on James, may he RIP, when he started 8 day threads because there was a "signal". You can't have it both ways.
  13. I guess some folks here haven't learned their lesson in starting 8-day storm threads.
  14. To those that say "winter's over" or "winter's cancelled", check the years 1978 and 2015, among others, where for many of us our big snows came in later January into February. Keep hope alive...
  15. If the Euro is right, that is what will be happening to ski areas next Friday.
  16. That's my point. But you know the usual suspects will claim this rare occurrence is due to man-made climate change.
  17. Our corporate media are headlining things like "Polar vortex to unleash menacing arctic blast". We used to call it winter, but, that was before climate change turned normal, seasonal and longer-period variations in temperature into a man-made environmental disaster.
  18. Last year was even warmer. Here are the last five years of ocean temps for Boston on December 18. 2022 48.2F 2021 50.4F 2020 46.9F 2019 45.7F 2018 45.1F
  19. I know what you mean. Cutters can be shown at d8 and rarely not verify. But how many times have we seen a big hit even 3-4 days out turn into a whiff or meh?
  20. It got into its sweet spot at day 6 today. That's the second consecutive system it caved on day 6. Based on this track record trend, I would give short shrift to anything the GFS is pushing beyond 6 days. At least until it proves otherwise.
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