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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. It is pretty cool. As a young lad I always thought how can a couple hundred feet make that big of difference...
  2. Unless the typical Feb two week warmup occurs. Then it’s, ‘torches to the candian porches’.
  3. Nothing else to say. Just pray it doesn’t stop at this point cuz when it does.....we’ll give Nevada a run.
  4. You gotta work on those edges man. I expect better detailed work from you.
  5. You run several ticks too warm at your local but deff in the cooler spots of MA and WCT.
  6. The drums are getting louder, and louder.
  7. Good to see the war change locations to Iceland/N ATL in the LR. Wouldn’t mind that ATL look in winter with a PNA.
  8. Usually the cat 5 out in the open waters generate mass hysteria and us nerds marvel at the spectacle....but then it weakens as it gets closer to LF, and public and some hobbyist ‘meh’ it. This was a worst case scenario...public somewhat brushed it off initially, no big deal, then the seriousness escalated as it approached. It maxed out at the worst time.
  9. If there was no land until NC/VA this might have turned into a Cat 10.
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