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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. We really posting d7 clown maps already...
  2. Learning to storm for your yard takes years, sometimes decades, with multiple busts along the way. Once the clouds have your porch located, it comes in bunches.
  3. Nice man, got that job AND you can weenie out in it...huge win.
  4. We enjoy you boy so stick around. Most don’t have the time or mental bandwidth to make Tip like posts.
  5. Damn kid, you’re on a tight budget but you’re getting an expensive whip? If you don’t put up big miles, consider leasing....owning depreciating assets is not ideal. But if you want to own, I get it, why spend some much on used though? Negotiating dealerships is a coc waving contest. You can bring the price down by leveraging the saturated market and their need to make numbers....but in the end, they won’t sell unless it’s in their favor. In your case, without knowing what you’re buying and how likely they can sell it, hard to know how much you can knock em down. I usually ask for service incentives over price reductions but that’s just me. Something to think about, however. GL.
  6. I’d like to see it too. Do you have the time to do it for us?
  7. I just wonder if that storm happenned in today’s measuring climate, how high we’d go.
  8. Did they measure 16 times to officially create 6hr interval amounts?
  9. What’s your boy Tolleris think about the snow season?
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